Presentación |
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| · Presentación Sandoval García, Carlos
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Dossier |
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| · Central american contemporary cinema: Historical memory, conditions of production and execution Cabezas Vargas, Andrea
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| · Guatemala: The role of media in the public debate Monzón, Ana Silvia; García Arenas, Linda
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| · ICTS in Honduras: A sociotechnical analysis Espinoza-Vasquez, Fátima K.
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| · The salvadoran audiovisual space and its impact on the social structure. A perspective from Central America Roberto Pérez, José
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| · Costeño struggles for land rights and the control of emergent media spaces in Nicaragua Cupples, Julie; Glynn, Kevin
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| · A model in crisis: The case of Grupo Nación in Costa Rica Ramírez Cardoza, Lorenzo
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Artículos |
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| · Unexpected march to Central American progress: Identity constrast of the afrodescendants transit at the turn of the 20th century Senior Angulo, Diana
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| · Costa Rica, the Mosquito Kingdom, and the “mulato Interpretor” Francisco Corella (1711-1724) Matthew Mendiola, Daniel
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| · The formation of Nicaraguan and Costa Rican States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: A comparative approach Ortega Acuña, Víctor H.
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| · Elites, city councils, elections and pronouncement. The case of The Plan of Jalapa in Chiapas, 1830 Torres Freyermuth, Amanda Úrsula
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| · Between the passion and lower aguan rivers: The violent face of the neo-extractivist palm practices in Centralamerica Villafuerte Solís, Daniel
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| · Phenomenology of the violence of the 21st century in El Salvador: Youth without place García Aguilar, María del Carmen; Porraz Gómez, Iván Francisco
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| · High risk activism: The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) ¡Patria libre o morir! Salgado, María Mercedes
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| · Exploratory analysis of childbirth care in Nicaragua from the framework of sexual and reproductive rights Ribeiro Rodrigues, María Augusta
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| · Consumerism in Costa Rica: A typology of young people in urban contexts of social exclusion Hernández Ulloa, Francisco
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| · Economy and finance in Panama: An imperative evocation to human rights Bohoslavsky, Juan Pablo
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Documentos |
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| · Teaching marxism in the humanities. The affirmation of autonomy at the University of Costa Rica Rovira Mas, Jorge
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Reseña |
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| · Historia global de América Latina. Del siglo XXI a la independencia. Héctor Pérez Brignoli. Madrid: Alianza editorial, 2018 Herrera Montero, Bernal
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| · Historia global de América Latina. Del siglo XXI a la independencia. Héctor Pérez Brignoli. Madrid: Alianza editorial, 2018 Acuña Ortega, Víctor H.
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| · La guerra fría y el anticomunismo en centroamérica. Roberto García Ferreira y Arturo Taracena. (EDS.). Guatemala: FLACSO, 2017 Acuña Ortega, Víctor H.
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| · Tiempo de fronteras, una visión geopolítica de la frontera sur de México. Daniel Villafuerte Solís. México: UNICACH, CESMECA, Juan Pablos. 2017 González Miranda, José Luis
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| · Estudios agrarios críticos: Tierras, semillas, soberanía alimentaria y derechos de las y los campesinos. Marc Edelman, Quito, Ecuador: Editorial IAEN. 2016 León Araya, Andrés
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| · Contested identities in Costa Rica: Constructions of the tico in literature and film. Liz Harvey-Kattou. Liverpool: Editorial de la Universidad de Liverpool, 2018 Alfaro Córdoba, Amanda
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| · Gringo gulch. Sex, tourism and social mobility in Costa Rica. Megan Rivers-Moore. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press. 2016 Palma Campos, Claudia
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| · La cuestión fiscal y la formación del Estado de Costa Rica, 1821-1850. Pablo Rodríguez Solano. San José, Costa Rica: EUCR. 2017 Madrigal Muñoz, Eduardo
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| · Mi corazón dice NO. El movimiento de oposición al TLC en Costa Rica. Ciska Raventós. San José: EUCR, 2018 Díaz Arias, David
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| · Construyendo nuestra nación: El aporte de la población afrocaribeña en Costa Rica. Producción de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Vicerrectoría de Docencia, ODI y CEAC. Dirección: Antonio Jara Vargas, Costa Rica, 2018 Acuña León, María de los Ángeles
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| · Imaginarios de la Nación y la Ciudadanía en Centroamérica. Ethel García Buchard. (Coord.). San José: EUCR, 2017 Álvarez-Calderón, Adam
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