Editorial |
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| · Editorial Payne Iglesias, Elizeth
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Dossier |
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| · Central American Membership: Belize among Neighboring Countries Correa Angulo, Carlos; Ramírez Romero, Aïda
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| · A Back and Forth Journey. Dialogues between Alejandro Joseph de Guelle and James Cook Cervera Molina, Ana E.
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| · Belling the Cat: Exploring Alignment Between the Church and State in Belize’s Education System Schaffer, Robin
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| · Colonial History of the Southside of Belize City. Marginalized Spaces and Exclusion at Central American Caribbean Domínguez Barbosa, Harry Jonathan
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| · The Colonial Origins of the State in Southern Belize Wainwright, Joel
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| · George Cadle Price and the Consolidation of a Nation Chi Aguilar, Reynaldo
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| · Contributing to the Colonial History of Belize: Explaining the Indian Presence in British Honduras Véliz Catalán, Néstor
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| · Performance, Structure and Policy in the Belize Economy Bulmer-Thomas, Victor
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| · Belizean Varieties of Spanish: Language Contact and Plurilingual Practices Fuller Medina, Nicté
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| · Reading Belize. Contemporary Writers, Between the Caribbean and Central America Shrimpton Masson, Margaret
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| · “The most Important International Issue”: Belize, The British Empire, and the Post-War Foreign Policy of Guatemala (1945-1948) Véliz Estrada, Rodrigo
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| · The Resolution of Territorial Conflicts. The Case of The Facilitation Process Belize-Guatemala (2000-2020) Shoman, Assad
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Artículos |
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| · Central America: fluctuating support for democracies in turmoil between 1996 and 2018 Velásquez Pérez, Luis Guillermo
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| · Authoritarianism, Violence and Elites in Nicaragua. Notes about the Crisis (2018-2019) Monte, Antonio; Gómez, Juan Pablo
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Artículo |
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| · Criticism and Crisis in Nicaragua: The Tension between Democracy and Capitalism Osorio Mercado, Hloreley; Rodríguez-Ramírez, Rony
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| · La gran causa nuestra. Unity and Literary Modernism in Central America Rojas González, Margarita; Ovares, Flora
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| · Fear Campaign? Agenda and Public Opinion During Costa Rica’s 2014 Presidential Election Fuchs, Gustavo
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| · Nationalism, Frontier and Green Exceptionalism in Costa Rica Gutiérrez Arguedas, Alberto; Granados Chaverri, Carlos
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| · “Caínes despiadados… Caínes invasores”. The Invasión of December 10, 1948, to Costa Rica in a National and Transnational Perspective Ugalde Quesada, Alexia
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| · The Organization of Central American states. A chapter in the history of Central American integration. 1950-1991 Solano Muñoz, Edgar
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| · No more hippies! Youth identity, memory and panic in the Cold War: May 1968 in Costa Rica Chaves Zamora, Randall
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Documento |
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| · Encuentro Nicaragua 1979-2019: De la Revolución a la insurrección Villena Fiengo, Sergio
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Reseñas |
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| · De objeto a sujeto. Los esclavos ante la legislación y el poder colonial en Centroamérica, 1532-1600. Obando Andrade, Rafael. San Salvador, El Salvador: UCA editores, 2019 Cuvardic García, Dorde
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| · Desplazadas por la guerra Estado, género y violencia en la región triqui. De Marinis, Natalia. México, D. F.: Editorial Casa Chata, CIESAS, 2019 Figueroa Romero, Dolores
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| · Students of Revolution: Youth, Protest and Coalition Building in Somoza-Era Nicaragua. Rueda, Claudia. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2019 Chaves Zamora, Randall
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| · COVID-19. El caso de Nicaragua. Aportes para enfrentar la pandemia. Serie Ciencia, Técnica y Sociedad. Huete-Pérez, Jorge. Academia de Ciencias de Nicaragua: Managua, 2020 Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, José María
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| · Reflexiones desde la academia. Universidad, ciencia y sociedad. Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, José María. San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Arlekín, 2018 Rovira Mas, Jorge
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