Editorial |
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| · Carmen Lyra y el Centenario de Los cuentos de mi tía Panchita Lacayo Campos, Mariana
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Artículos científicos |
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| · Educational Policy and Teacher Subjectivity in Chile´s Program for Assistance and Effective Access to Higher Education (PACE) Bravo Valenzuela, Mg. Paulina; Herrera Fernández, Dra. Valeria
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| · Critical Thinking for Civic Life in Elementary Education: Combining Storytelling and Thinking Tools Mena Araya, Aarón Elí
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| · Educational Inequality Quantification in Latin America (2000-2015) Formichella, María Marta
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| · Application of Problem Based Learning (ABP) by John Barell in literal understanding Hurtado Serna, Mirian; Salvatierra Melgar, Ángel
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| · Emotional Competence among Future Teachers: A Study on Emotional Intelligence and Empathy Levels Porras Carmona, Silvia; Pérez Dueñas, Carolina; Checa Fernández, Purificación; Luque Salas, Bárbara
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| · How the Color of a Classroom Influences Learning Outcomes in 3rd Grade Primary Education: A Comparative study in a Private Subsidized School in Santiago, Chile Vidal Rojas, Rodrigo Alejandro; Avendaño, Constanza Vera
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| · Assessing New Types of Distance Learning Programs: A Case Study Based on Educational Expectations Luévano De la Cruz, Karla Olimpia; López Betancourt, Alicia; Orrante Reyes, María del Carmen
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| · Transference of School Administrative Leadership Skills Training at a University in Chile Parra Robledo, Richar; Ruiz Bueno, Carmen
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| · Adequacy and Equity of School Infrastructure in Peru: An Analysis Based on Departments and Natural Regions Sánchez Alcalde, Luis Amado
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| · Student Dropout at a Private University: A Phenomenon Not Foreign to Graduate Students. A Quantitative Assessment Based on Survival Analysis. Colombia, 2012-2016 Valencia Vargas, Alejandra; López Palacio, Gabriel Jaime
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| · Analysis of Factors Impacting Students Enrolled in a Course for a Third Time during the September 2017 - March 2018 and April 2018 - August 2018 Academic Periods at the Central University of Ecuador Chemistry Department Catota Caiza, Lizbeth Alexandra; Chavarrea Meléndez, Carol Vanessa; Espinel Armas, Elithsine Elizabeth
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| · Peruvian Teaching Staff Insight for Reasons as to Why it is Impossible for them to Participate in Continued Scientific Research Ventura Montes, Ulises
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| · Limitations and Possibilities for School Enhancement in a Chilean Patagonia Context: Coyhaique Community schools in the Aysén Region, Chile Retamal Cisterna, Silvia Natalia; Gairín Sallán, Joaquín
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| · Freshman University Student Approaches to Learning Strategies: Impact on Academic Performance Moreno, Jacqueline Elizabet; Chiecher, Analía Claudia; Paoloni, Paola Verónica
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| · Experiential Learning at Universities and its Benefits for Students and Teaching Faculty Gleason Rodríguez, Miriam A; Rubio, Julio E
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| · Indigenous Languages at Ikoots Schools: Stakeholder Voices Montero Gutenberg, Gervasio
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| · Towards a Conceptual definition for the Construct, Higher Quality of Education within the Context of the National Agricultural University, Nicaragua Araica Zepeda, Ricardo; Vargas Hernández, Marcia Mercedes
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| · Play as Representation of Sign in Preschool Children: A Sociocultural Approach Sánchez-Domínguez, Juan Pablo; Castillo Ortega, Sara Esther; Hernández López, Betzaida Marimel
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| · A Metaphorical Approach to the Execution of Management Roles Rodríguez Revelo, Elsy
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| · Pedagogical Support for the Educational Technology Learning Program [Protea]: A Constructivist Experience Using Makey Makey and Scratch for Enrichment Purposes in a Musical Expression Course Castro Araya, Hazel; Ríos Cortés, Karol; Arguedas Quesada, Consuelo
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| · A Narrative Account of Health Promotion in Schools: Encouraging Hand Washing Oberto, María Georgina; Mamondi, Verónica; Ferrero, Mercedes; Sánchez, Roberto José
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| · Learning Routes to Induction, Admission and Follow-up in a Training Process Garduño Teliz, Elvia
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| · Explorations about the Conceptualizations and Practices about the Body and the Non- verbal Communication: The School, the Learning Process and the Foreign Language Classroom. Quiñones, Jesús Antonio; Romero Melo, Jenny Esperanza
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| · Ideas about the Pedagogy of Seduction among University Teaching Staff Amar Rodríguez, Víctor
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Revisiones bibliográficas |
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| · Quality in Online Higher Education: A Theoretical Analysis García Soto, Gladys Yvone; García López, Ramona Imelda; Lozano Rodríguez, Armando
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| · An Analysis of Variation Sources in Written Corrective Feedback Studies: What is the Next Step? Bonilla López, Marisela
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| · Information and Communication Technology as Tools for Inclusive Education Systems in Elementary Schools Reyes Chávez, Rafael; Prado Rodríguez, Anna Beatriz
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| · University Research on Blended Learning in Peru: Fields of Knowledge and Methodological Trends Turpo-Gebera, Osbaldo; Gonzales-Miñán, Milagros; García-Peñalvo, Francisco; Pari-Tito, Fernando
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| · Assessing the Impact of Training Programs: Fundamental Aspects, Models and Current Perspectives Parra Robledo, Richar; Ruiz Bueno, Carmen
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Ensayos |
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| · Roots of Critical Education and Critical Curriculum Design in Costa Rica: 1910-1948 Toruño Arguedas, César
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| · Strategic Guidelines for Consolidating Smart Schools and the Notion of Happiness Aranguren Peraza, Gilberto Natividad
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| · Pedagogical Reflections about Teaching Law Gatgens Gómez, Erick
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| · Surroundings as a Key Element for Emotional Regulation at School: Analysis of Contexts of Social and Cultural Diversity Fuentes Vilugrón, Gerardo Andrés
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| · Ethical Perspectives of Teaching at Latin American Universities: Challenges in the 21st century Baltodano Enríquez, Manuel
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| · Facts and Challenges Facing Bilingual Intercultural Education and Interculturalism: A Case Study of Afro-Costa Ricans Bell Jiménez, Ana Gabriela
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| · Microlanguages: One Way to Contribute to an Educational Relationship with Children and Youth in a Pedagogies of the South Framework Contreras Salinas, Sylvia; Ramírez Pavelic, Mónica
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| · A Centennial of Los cuentos de mi tía Panchita (Tales of My Aunt Panchita), by Carmen Lyra (1920 - 2020): The Educational, Literary and Political Context of the First Edition Rubio Torres, Carlos
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| · The Principle of Engagement and Motivation in Universal Design for Learning within Costa Rica´s Curriculum Education Policy Quirós Acuña, Maybel; Alberto Segura, Mario
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| · Social Skills and Educational Strategies for Leadership Training in Primary and Secondary Education Tolentino Quiñones, Hermis
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| · Inclusion of Senior Faculty with More Years of Academic Experience in the Workforce with an Outlook on the Aging Population towards 2050 Acero-Mondragón, Edward Javier
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