| Table of contents Tecnología en Marcha vol.34 n.1 Cartago Jan./Mar. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Impact of the actions implemented in the integral solid waste management, in the Costa Rican Institute of Technology Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Alina; Mejías-Elizondo, Raquel; Vindas-Chacón, Carolina
| | | | · Orthogonal time frequency space modulation technology Castillo-Rodríguez, Rodrigo
| | | | · Monoclonal antibodies and the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus Chavarría-Tapia, Alex; Fernández-Corella, Ariana; Marenco-Acosta, Henry; Shen Zhou, Yorleny; Ugalde-Zumbado, Malcolm; Mora-Román, Juan José
| | | | · Hybrid storage engine for geospatial data using NoSQL and SQL paradigms Herrera-Ramírez, José A.; Treviño-Villalobos, Marlen; Víquez-Acuña, Leonardo
| | | | · Sequencing of operations by simulation in the company Puntadas, S.G. Orozco-Crespo, Erik; Sablón-Cossío, Neyfe; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Yadamy; González-Garzón, Jenifer Cristina; Sánchez-Galván, Fabiola
| | | | · Synthetic biology as a tool used to obtain compounds of interest in the food industry Ortuño-Fajardo, María Paula; Chacón-Halabi, Jose Rodolfo; Flores-Espinoza, María Paula; Aguilar-Bravo, Roger
| | | | · Design of a research and extension strategic plan for the School of Computing at TEC Garita-Rodríguez, César; Arroyo-Herrera, Mauricio; González-Espinoza, Manuel
| | | | · Natural and anthropogenic sources of atmospheric pollution: State of the art of its impact on the physicochemical properties of rain water and fog water Mora-Barrantes, José Carlos; Sibaja-Brenes, José Pablo; Borbón-Alpizar, Henry
| | | | · Occupational exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVA/ UVB) in agricultural workers in Cartago, Costa Rica Araya-Solano, Tannia; Arias-Monge, Esteban; Robles-Ramírez, Andres; Villalobos-Rodríguez, Ara
| | | | · Fitting different nonlinear growth models to oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) yield along the crop lifecycle, Costa Rica Solórzano-Thompson, Johanna; Paniagua-Molina, Javier; Barboza-Navarro, David
| | | | · Ergonomic factors of risk for agricultural workers in the northern area of Cartago, Costa Rica Madriz-Quirós, Carmen E.; Sánchez-Brenes, Olga
| | | | · Prevention of water hammer through control of the closing time, in automated hydraulic valves Guevara-Rodríguez, Gregory; Vargas-Obando, Adrian; Quesada-Chanto, Juan Ignacio
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