| Table of contents Acta méd. costarric vol.63 n.4 San José Oct./Dec. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Revisión | | | | · Immune activation by advanced glycation endproducts Centeno-Ureña, Yadel; Ulloa-Morales, Alejandro
| | | Original | | | | · Microbiology of diabetic foot infections Cascante-Serrano, Daniel; Segura-Retana, Elvira; Ramírez-Cardoce, Manuel
| | | | · Demographic and clinical charac teristics of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection Dobles-Ramírez, Carlos; Boza-Hernández, Marco Vinicio; Chacón-Prado, Leonardo; Catarinella-Gómez, Claudia; Fernández-Cordero, Roberto; Salas-Segura, Donato A.
| | | Cartas al editor | | | | · Acute necrotizing encephalopathy, a challenging diagnosis in a child with sudden neurological deterioration Tautiva-Rojas, María; Bogantes-Ledezma, Sixto
| | | | · Asymptomatic Inmune Thrombocytopenia associated with COVID-19 Quintana-Quirós, Orlando; Valerio-Gil, Lilem; Rodríguez-Palma, Fabián
| | | | · Factors associated with the transmission of Hansen’s disease in Colombia: an epidemiological perspective Serna-Trejos, Juan Santiago; Martínez-Parada, Isabella; Prado-Molina, Diego Gerardo
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