ISSN 1409-4258 |
La Revista Electrónica Educare (1409-4258), frequency is quarterly, is assigned to the Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE), Universidad Nacional Costa Rica. It aims to disseminate the intellectual production in the Center, as well as other national and international external partners. The purpose is to build an interdisciplinary educational thought and thematic coverage is education in all disciplines. Its abbreviated title is Rev. Electr. Educare, and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips. |
The articles published in Revista Electrónica Educare are indexed or summarized by:
Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación. The articles published in the Revista electrónica Educare are unpublished. All articles in the journal are open access and to protect copyrights, are protected by the license "Creative Commons". |
The publication of this journal is financially supported by: Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (506) 2277-3372 o al fax (506) 2277-3730 (506) 8913-6810 |
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