The journal publishes the
following types of writing:
• Scientific articles resulting from research papers (30 pages maximum).
• Theoretical articles derived from experiences of social or educational
(30 pages maximum).
• literature review article (30 pages maximum).
• Original essays (30 pages maximum).
• Sketches (awards or tributes to institutions or distinguished
personages of Education). (30 pages maximum).
• When a person sends more than one item to postulate to assessment, if
approved, will be published in different numbers.
• The content of the work is solely responsible for publishing of its
author and does not necessarily share the magazine claims that the
article raised.
• It is advisable to visit the website of the Journal /
educare, which specify the instructions to authors (as).
Legal requirements
Those authors who submit a written application to evaluate one must meet
the following requirements:
• Deliver, signed the Charter document originality and copyright
assignment, offering the Journal on its website:
Send to the following address:
Universidad Nacional
Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación (CIDE)
Revista Electrónica Educare
Campus Omar Dengo
Heredia, Costa Rica
Apartado 86-3000
How to document
All work must:
• Delivered in a digital file by email, letter size, spacing, 12 points,
in consecutively numbered pages, in Word for Windows, Word for Mac or
any other compatible.
• Include the title and its translation into English.
• Include a summary in Spanish and English translation (abstract). The
abstract should indicate the type of writing that is being presented (Scientific
articles derived from research, original essays ...). The abstract must
login reviewed by a specialist in translation.
• Include key words of the article and its translation into English (Keywords).
These are built without conjunctions or articles. The number of keywords
is decided by (the) author (s) of work. The Journal recommends three to
• Include in footnotes, explanatory notes in case of need. Keep them
short and used for additional information, to strengthen the argument,
supplement or extend important ideas, to indicate the copyright
permissions (a), among other uses. Should not be used for references.
Should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
• Set appointments, sources and references to APA (sixth edition, if you
use the manual in English, or third year, if you use the manual in
Spanish). Articles written or whose appointments, sources and references
do not comply with the APA Manual is not subject to pending the
assessment meets this requirement.
• Address as indicated in references APA: "(...) attention to the
spelling of proper names and words in foreign languages, including
accents or other special characters, and the fact they are complete
titles, years, volume numbers and pages of scientific journals. The
authors are responsible for all information in their reference lists
(...) "(APA, 2010, p. 180)
• Note, in the quotes or paraphrased corresponding authorship, in order
to respect the copyright (a), and avoid plagiarism. The omission of
authorship is sufficient cause for not publishing an article.
• Citing sources Authoring own (autocitarse) to avoid problems
autoplagio. The item will be rejected on the verge, if the pre-patch
that makes the Journal autoplagio is detected.
• Provide permission signed by the rights holder should include or adapt
tables, figures (photographs, drawings, paintings, maps ...) and data
collection instruments.
• Note the following details of who writes telephone numbers, fax, email
address and post office box.
• Present preferably with review articles or philological work before
joining the Journal.
• Items must be written taking inclusive language standards.
Illustrations (figures)
• The graphs, maps, photographs, drawings, diagrams and illustrations,
or other non-text representation showing the item must be labeled with
the term figures and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals indo (eg
Figure 1) and include title "note" where specifies the source.
• Photographs and images must be of high quality and with the following
- Resolution 300 DPI.
- Digital format: psd, jpg or tiff or original print quality for the
respective traces.
• Must provide authorization for the use of figures (photographs and
illustrations) that are not owned by the author (a) and whose author (s)
are less than 70 years died.
• It should state clearly what page are located in and write a note
describing the use of the image.
• The tables show numeric or textual information, are distinguished
because they have rows and columns.
This information should called Table. Should be numbered
consecutively with Indo Arabic numerals.
• Titles of tables will format the following example:
Table 1
Description of instruments and implementation strategies
Some recommendations for consideration in the presentation of graphics,
according to Dr. Julian Monge Nájera and Dr. Juan Bautista Chavarria
(Guía de Figuras, s. f), are:
• Choose graphics or two-dimensional figures.
• Sort Descending categories when they not have a natural order in the
case of bar graphs (bar) or lines.
• Do not overload the figure.
• Use a single chart when it has a comparative common axis.
• Choose types of graphs with simple formats.
• Use moderate and legibly labeled.
• Use histograms instead of cakes.
• Avoid indirect labeled.
• Label the axes "x" and "y".
Academic curriculum
• The (as) author (s) must submit a brief academic curriculum of
approximately 200 words, written in paragraph form. This should indicate
the current workplace (this data is important to note the author's
affiliation / a, parameter of quality demanded by international indices).
Ana Isabel Pereira Pérez: Máster en Ornitología de la Universidad de
Costa Rica. Bachiller en Biología de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Coordinadora de la Iniciativa Cultura Ambiental en Acción, UCRCONARE-Región
Chorotega. Laboró como profesora universitaria en la carrera de Biología
de la Universidad de Costa Rica, en la Sede Central y actualmente forma
parte del equipo de docentes de la carrera de Turismo Ecológico en la
Sede Guanacaste. Experiencia como investigadora en el área de la
ornitología. Experiencia en asesorías de impacto ambiental. Posee
artículos publicados en las áreas de ecología de alimentación de aves
limícolas, dispersión de semillas por aves y camuflaje de nidos de aves.
Aspects of content
Main types of writings
The following defines the types of items and describes the basic parts
that should contain.
Research article:
It stems from an investigation and reports of it.
Refer the scope of the investigation and possible scientific
should raise the objectives, methodology used and the results of
chosen to share in the magazine.
should express their own purposes and show independence from the
research that supports it. That is, should manifest self semantics.
State of affairs or history (some times joins the introduction)
theoretical or conceptual references
Results, analysis and discussion
References (reference only what is quoted in text)
tables or graphs (if applicable)
appendices or supplemental materials (if applicable)
Article theoretical experiences
derived from social or educational action:
It is derived from experience or teaching social action and realize
part of it.
Refer the scope of experience and outstanding.
should raise the objectives, describe the strategies used and the
results of the chosen to share in the magazine.
should express their own purposes and show independence from the
project or experience behind it. That is, should manifest self semantics.
State of affairs or history (some times joins the introduction)
conceptual referents that support
methodological strategies used
Results, analysis and discussion
References (reference only what is quoted in text)
tables or graphs (if applicable)
appendices or supplemental materials (if applicable)
Literature review article
raises a literature review of a particular field of study related to
the theme that the journal addresses.
You can review the most relevant exhibitors, their main ideas and
insights. You can do an analysis and comments based on objective and
substantiated claims.
Chapter of research on the "state of play" can become an article of
this nature.
Introduction (raises the goal or problem that prompted the review
criteria and organization of the speech)
It's the kind of text defending a thesis or dissertation contrasts two
about the object of study is specific.
It is a very thoughtful speech in which the emphasis is on the
analysis of existing studies and ideas raised so far, with the goal of
transcending its scope and question its relevance.
It is a text of maturity, which basically consists of the discussion
of ideas.
Introduction (including the approach to the topic, objectives and
conceptual approach from which to address the issue)
Development (argument of ideas), with subtitles that may be
appropriate or necessary
Discussion (where applicable)
References (reference only what is quoted in text)
It is a biographical sketch which highlights the most outstanding
events in this case related to the scope of the journal, which
determined the character studies and the historical significance of a
character or institution.
They recognize their accomplishments and achievements in their field
of study, and how their actions changed the course of American history
or specific knowledge.
It pays homage to the effect that the brand is recognized and
displayed left evidence of his legacy.
Type written summary
• It is important that the summary is accurate representation of what
develops in the content, with information that guide individuals readers
if read independently.
• In a single paragraph in block form. Are reproduced below the main
parties should have a summary and that depends on the type of writing
that develops:
• The summary of articles derived from research, experience or teaching
social action: Has the purpose of the study, key elements of the
methodology (design, participants, tools and techniques to gather
information, data analysis), main findings , main findings and
applications, implications and recommendations.
• The abstract for a literature review article: Has the problem
statement or objective that motivated the review, the main issues found,
comparing and contrasting ideas, comments or conclusions main topic more
• The summary for a test article or technical note: Has the issue, the
aim of the article, the conceptual approach, the main ideas proposed,
major findings or recommendations.
Citation processing standards,
sources and references
The Electronic Journal Educare System is governed by the APA (American
Psychological Association), sixth edition in English and third in
Spanish (translated from the sixth English).
Quotes from references in the
The APA requires that the system (the) author documenting his studio
work through the text, identifying author (s) and date of investigation
resources. This method cited by author (s), date (last name and year of
publication), allows the reader to (a) locate the source of information
in alphabetical order in the reference list at the end of work.
Examples of citations in the
text of a work of authorship:
1. De acuerdo con Meléndez (2000), el trabajo afecta los estilos de
2. En un estudio sobre la influencia del trabajo sobre los estilos de
ocio … (Meléndez, 2000) ...
3. En el año 2000, Meléndez estudió la relación entre los estilos de
ocio y el trabajo…
Works with multiple authors
• Two authors. Cite both names every time the reference appears in the
• Three, four or five authors. Cite all authors the first time the
reference appears.
In subsequent citations include only the surname of the first author
followed by et al. (emphasis and with a period after al.).
• Six or more authors. Cite only the last name first, followed by et al.
and year, for the first date and subsequent.
1. Ramírez, Santos, Aguilera y Santiago (1999) encontraron que los
pacientes... (first cited in the text).
2. Ramírez et al. (1999) concluyeron que... (Next time mentioned in the
• In reference to seven authors, only the name of all.
• When the number of authors is eight or more, include the names of the
first six, then added dots and added the name of the last author.
Gilbert D. G., McCernon, F. J., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L.
C., Asgaard, G., … Botros, N. (2004). Effects of quitting smoking on EEG
activation and attention last for more than 31 days and are more severe
with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine
and Tobacco Research, 6(2), 249-267). doi: 10.1080/14622200410001676305
3. In case citing two or more
works by different authors in a single appointment, write the names and
respective years of publication, separated by a semicolon within the
same parentheses in alphabetical order as ordered in the references.
• In several investigations (Ayala, 1994; Conde, 1996; López y Muñoz,
1999) concluded that ...
• The material quoted directly (verbatim) from another author requires
different treatment to be included in the text. Quoting directly
represents the quoted verbatim and included the name of (the) author
(s), year of publication and the page number where the quote was
• Quotations short (less than 40 words) are incorporated into the
narrative of the text in quotes. At the end of these includes the name
of (the) author (s), year of publication and the page from which the
quote was extracted.
• Do not correct the text of a quote that this impropriety. In this
case, insert the word [sic] in italics and brackets immediately after
the error.
• Use an ellipsis (...) in a quote to indicate omitted material in the
original source.
• Use brackets if you add material not in the original quote.
• If you need to highlight text in a quote, highlighted in italics and
followed inserts [italics] in brackets.
Example of textual cite
de cita textual included in paragraph
“En estudios psicométricos realizados por la Universidad de Connecticut,
se ha encontrado que los niños tienen menos habilidades que las niñas”
(Ferrer, 1986, p. 454).
• Quotations of more than 40 words (excluding articles and prepositions)
should be highlighted in a separate paragraph and indented at the left
margin, written with double spacing, without quotes, with the page
number at the end. The end point is placed before the source.
• paraphrased material need not carry the page where the information was
taken. If you must put the reference source.
Personal communications
• that are understood: private letters, memos, some electronic messages
(emails, group discussions, posts in the electronics section of ads),
interviews, telephone conversations.
As cited in text but not in the reference list, they do not provide
recoverable data.
The protocol is as follows: initials, surname and date of the issuer as
accurate as possible.
M. E. Rojas (comunicación personal, 10 de febrero, 2011)
The reference list must be of exact quotations and paraphrases that
appear in the text of the work.
The following elements are applied in the preparation of references:
• The bibliography is titled: References.
• The list should be in alphabetical order by author's surname (a), and
is included with the initials of their first names.
• Do not use capital letters for titles continued in Spanish, English
place the main words capitalized.
• You must mark indent the second and subsequent lines of each entry (hanging
• It will include only references cited in the text. Ensure fidelity of
data both in the text and in your reference.
• Include "and" to separate the last author in a multi-source author / s
both at the source in the text and in the bibliography (not using &).
Overview of electronic references
• Include the DOI (digital material identification) in the reference, if
the document is assigned.
• If the reference has no DOI, enter the URL of the homepage of the
• Provide addresses that work.
• No need to include the date the article was retrieved.
• Do not write after the URL point.
About plagiarism
• Plagiarism is to take the work, words, ideas or concepts of another
• If you use the exact words, paraphrase or describe an idea that
influenced your work, you must give credit to the author (a) (source).
• quoting many pages without giving credit or paraphrase changing two or
three words is plagiarism.
• If another paraphrased (summarized a passage or rearrange the order of
a sentence and changing a few words), write down the source.
• You must use quotation marks to indicate the exact words of another.
• You must avoid being accused of plagiarism, since it is a foul
punishable by law.
About the research republish
• autoplagio is to present their own work and published a new research.
• If short and repetition is necessary, is acceptable.
• If the repetition is long, it is best autocitarse.
• Integrate and coauthor (a) to persons who did not participate in the
preparation of the letter is considered, also, republish investigations.
Arbitration system
The Revista Electrónica Educare is governed by the following editorial
process for the review of the writings, organized in three stages:
Stage 1. Check to verify that the letter meets the requirements
requested in the "Instructions to Authors". Management Responsibility.
Stage 2. The Directorate distributed among the members of the Editorial
Board, the documents examined in the previous stage to dictate on these.
Step 3. The stage of dictamination with the following phases:
• The original work or undergo the
process of dictamination system with external peer review (specialists)
with the double-blind method.
• It makes explicit the anonymity that is used in the evaluation, (dictamination
process requires anonymity, by adjudicators are likewise will protect
the anonymity of those authors).
• These people evaluators must be specialists in the subject dealt with
in writing and academic prestige.
•People evaluators must submit their evaluations to the format used by
the Journal dictamination entitled “Formato de dictaminación de la
Revista Electrónica Educare”.
• People assessed with the
following options:
• It is recommended publication.
• publication is recommended only if you make adjustments.
• Do not publish.
• if this is the case one of the reviewers disagreed with the
publication of the article, this will be reviewed by a third reviewer
whose opinion will serve to take a final decision in consensus with the
Editorial Board of the magazine. The results of the opinion is final.
• If the opinion of the article recommends some corrections, the author
(a) be responsible for them, within a period not exceeding 15 calendar
days, and send the letter by email. Failure to deliver on the due date,
the article will be published in the next issue.
• Once the author or author returns the item with integrated settings,
these will be verified by the evaluators (as) and, if required, will be
sent back to the originator (a), to make sure the document is refined. |