Artículos |
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| · Generativity and propensity to teach in Chilean rural educators: educational knowledge from the narrative-generative perspective Sandoval-Obando, Eduardo Enrique; Calvo Muñoz, Carlos Manuel
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| · Teacher Qualification Needs in Costa Rican TVET: First Results of the CoRiVET Project Rommel, Irina; Vargas Méndez, Monserrat
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| · Differences in the performance of the central executive and the visual-spatial storage in Costa Rican preschool students according to their socioeconomic level and sex Alvarado Navarro, Dahiana; Chacón Jiménez, Roberto
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| · Socio-scientific skills and laboratory work in the agroindustrial specialty class at a technical high school in Costa Rica Montero Durán, Widny; Pineda García, Benjamín; León León, Giselle; Durán Apuy, Alejandro
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| · Factors of the affective dimension linked to reactions to mathematic tests: the experience lived by two academically outstanding students Vargas Díaz, Claudia; Matus Correa, Claudia
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| · Students in training contexts in the English Teaching Profession. Experience and affections Arriaga, Melany; Branda, Silvia A; Sancho, Rocío M
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| · Using didactic resources and digital technologies while being an itinerant teacher in Costa Rica Paniagua-Esquivel, Cristina
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Ensayo |
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| · A didactical proposal for building an intervention process in socio-educational counseling Morales Trejos, Carol; Washburn Madrigal, Stephanie
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| · Promoting the capacity for self-control in children: concepts and strategies in context Chaverri Chaves, Pablo; León González, Sara Paola
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Artículos |
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| · Connecting early childhood mathematics education and computational thinking: learning repeating patterns with the Cubetto® programmable educational robot Alsina, Ángel; Acosta, Yeni
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| · Methodological strategies during practical activities in UNED's Nature Resource Management graduate program during the COVID-19 pandemics Valverde Rojas, Idania; Rodríguez Calvo, Magaly
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| · Pedagogical experience: Physics emergency remote teaching at Universidad Nacional Tucumán Marrades, Carlos Ariel; Véliz, María Angélica
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| · Development of life skills in university students through a program of elective courses: an analysis of the coincidence of perceptions García Sicard, Nadia; Saldaña Medina, Caleb; Salamanca Gómez, Sophia; Jiménez Roa, Daniel Alejandro
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| · Proceedings for the systematization of theses on text comprehension: experience in Villa Clara, Cuba Ramos Negrin, Mavis; Calzadilla Pérez, Oscar Ovidio; Fragoso Ávila, Juana Elena
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Sistematización |
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| · Systematization of ''Induction: Strategic Learning'' for VERITAS University students by the Counseling Office during a pandemic by the virus responsible for COVID-19 Bulgarelli Bolaños, Raquel María
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Artículos |
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| · Relevance and impact of Biology and Science Education theses in the national context: three decades of research at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica Cordero Solórzano, Roberto A.; Zúñiga-Meléndez, Adriana; Pérez-Molina, Junior Pastor; Bermúdez-Rojas, Tania
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Suplemento especial |
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| · Engaging in dialogue with Freire: on the pedagogical space and other shared reflections Gutiérrez Slon, Juan Antonio; Vargas Vargas, Bryan Roberto
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Ensayo |
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| · Rethinking the pedagogical space in a pandemic: Reflections based on Freire's Reading Araya Pérez, Mario; Artavia Medrano, Argentina; Obando Reyes, Fernando
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| · Education as a political act in Freire. Anti-dialogical theory, cultural arbitrariness and banking education: notions to understand the reproduction of inequalities in Latin America García Fernández, Raúl; García Marín, Anthony
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| · The development of morality from Paulo Freire's pedagogy of autonomy Solís Vargas, Yor Guillermo
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