Artículo |
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| · The scaling relationship between degree centrality and citation-based impact of articles on strategic management Ronda-Pupo, Guillermo Armando
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| · Citation of documentary sources and choice of informants: a qualitative study of the reasons given by venezuelan researchers Arias, Fidias G.
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Ensayo |
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| · Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) as an interdisciplinary research form with an intercultural approach to the process of student training Cruz Pérez, Miguel Alejandro; Pozo Vinueza, Mónica Alexandra; Aushay Yupangui, Hilda Rocío; Arias Parra, Alan David
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Artículo |
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| · Information architecture as a process to organize usable and intuitive websites. The case of the Central American Center for Population, University of Costa Rica Rodríguez Valerio, Daniela; Vargas Zúñiga, Johnny; González Pérez, Esteban
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| · Information and reference services in the Mexican university student field and its potential relationship with mobile technologies García Martínez, Bardo Javier
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| · Enhancing Scientific Communication through its Latitudes and the Fundamental Factors of Virtue Mendoza Villalobos, Yesenia; Tarango, Javier; Machin-Mastromatteo, Juan Daniel
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Revisión Bibliográfica |
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| · State of the Art of Information Audit Rodríguez Labrada, Yenis Katia; Cano Inclán, Anisley; Cuesta Rodríguez, Floriselda
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| · Understanding the Internet of Nano Things: overview, trends, and challenges Cruz Alvarado, Mainor Alberto; Bazán, Patricia
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Sección Especial |
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| · Cincuenta años de formar profesionales en Bibliotecología en la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Sandi S., Magda Cecilia
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| · Tendencias y desafíos para las ciencias de la información en el mundo actual Sequeira Ortíz, Zaida
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| · Formación Archivística y Bibliotecológica en la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR): tan cerca y tan distante Jaén García, Luis Fernando
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| · La regionalización y la educación bibliotecológica universitarias en Costa Rica: ¿una coincidencia o un cincuentenario convenido? Córdoba González, Saray
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| · La biblioteca: un escenario diverso para la promoción de la lectura Chaves Salgado, Lorena
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| · Recuerdos inolvidables Barquero Cerdas, Martha
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