Artículos que son el resultado de la investigación científica |
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| · Manifestations of violence against women in the Latin American trap Robles Murillo, Keylor
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| · Self-Esteem in Chilean Children and Adolescents: analysis with Classification trees Rodríguez-Garcés, Carlos René; Gallegos Fuentes, Marcelo; Padilla Fuentes, Geraldo
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| · Dimensions for accessible tourism management in touristic complexes in Ecuador Tite-Cunalata, Gabriel; Ochoa-Avila, Migdely; Carrillo-Rosero, Diego; Tustón-Landa, Viviana
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| · Ethics of pregnant care: between traditional logics and new forms of organization in a Chilean context Sibrian Díaz, Nairbis Desiree
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| · Analysis of the community of students, graduates and teachers of Sede del Sur Branch of University of Costa Rica, 2006 – 2019 Fonseca Zúñiga, Edgardo
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| · Experiences of Mapuche women in Olavarría. An ethnographic approach to multiple ontologies Lencina, Rocio
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Artículos de revisión o Estado de la Cuestión |
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| · Diagnostic procedure for the implementation of knowledge management systems Ricardo Concepción, Mario A.; Pérez Pravia, Milagros
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Artículos de reflexión no derivado de investigación |
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| · Geography of food production in Social Studies: socio-environmental conflicts in Osa, Costa Rica in the period 2013-2017 Zúñiga Villalobos, Dylan
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