| Table of contents Agron. Mesoam vol.35 n.1 San Pedro Jan./Dec. 2024 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Alelopathy of Cenchrus clandestinus on common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germination Velasco-Villabona, Sugey; Quevedo-García, Enrique; Chaparro-García, Amanda Lucía
| | | | · Climatic factors in the development and production of cocoa in Ursulo Galvan, Veracruz, Mexico Garay-Peralta, Ignacio; Villarruel-Fuentes, Manuel; Díaz-Peón, Antonio Luna; Chávez-Morales, Rómulo; Herrera-Alarcón, Jesús
| | | | · Herbicide selectivity in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Criollo variety Herrera-Murillo, Franklin; Picado-Arroyo, Grettel
| | | | · Evolution of the brown spot (Septoria glycines) in different soybean (Glycine max) production systems Lavilla, M.; Peper, A.
| | | | · Cattle fattening market in Mexico: A network approach Callejas-Juárez, Nicolás
| | | | · Effect of oligogalacturonides on the biochemical response of tomato under high metal concentrations Cartaya-Rubio, Omar Enrique; Moreno Zamora, Ana Ma.; Guridi Izquierdo, Fernándo; Blanco-Valdes, Yaisys
| | | | · Yield and yield components of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) selected through pedigree method in the lowlands, Bogor-Indonesia Prakoso Mawasid, Fajar; Syukur, Muhamad; Trikoesoemaningtyas, Trikoesoemaningtyas; Wibisono, Kunto
| | | | · Creole cattle of Nunkini, Campeche, Mexico: A zoogenetic resource at risk Cruz-Clemente, Guadalupe de Jesús; Estrada-León, Raciel Javier; Sierra-Vásquez, Ángel Carmelo; Severino-Lendechy, Víctor Hugo; Piñeiro-Vázquez, Ángel Trinidad; Bojórquez-Cat, Jorge Carlos
| | | | · Pesticides used in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cultivation in Cuba: toxicological and ecotoxicological pressure López Dávila, Edelbis
| | | | · Evaluation and estimation of calibration curves of devices to measure soil moisture González de León, Aquileo Daniel; Sandoval Mejía, Luis Alberto; Arévalo-Valderrama, Gloria Elizabeth; Gómez, Oriana Michelle; Caro, Brian Stiven
| | | | · Rhizobium pusense associated to chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), in Cuba Ortega-García, Marisel; Ríos-Rocafull, Yoania; Zelaya-Molina, Lily; Lara-Aguilera, Juan; Arteaga-Garibay, Ramón; Nápoles-García, María Caridad
| | | | · Zinc oxide supplementation as a substitute to antibiotics in pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) Barría, Cristian; Mudarra, Richard; Guerra, Reggie
| | | | · Defoliation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in the Chontalpa, Tabasco, México Olvera-Rincón, Fabiola; Salgado-Velázquez, Sergio; Córdova-Sánchez, Samuel; Palma-López, David Jesús; López-Castañeda, Antonio; Castañeda-Ceja, Raúl
| | | | · Physiological response of Solanum phureja under water deficit López-Rendón, Juan Fernando; Rodríguez-Hernández, Pedro; Meneses Buitrago, Diego Hernan; Lopez-Peñafiel, Hyrcania-Vanessa
| | | | · Pelletized Mucuna pruriens (L) DC. and Trichoderma harzianum Rifai applied on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) as an amendment and biocontrol agent Martínez-Alfaro, Arnaldo; Zuñiga-Orozco, Andres
| | | | · Varroasis and nosemosis in Apis mellifera hives in the municipality of Tomalá, Honduras Pineda Nataren, Daneri Jasael; Videz, Elder Leonel; Flores Somarriba, Byron
| | | | · Ovulation induction in cows with Kisspeptin-10 in an estrus synchronization protocol Rosete Fernández, Jorge Víctor; Fragoso Islas, Abraham; Santos Echeverría, Rubén; Ríos Utrera, Ángel
| | | | · Resilience capacity of the coffee agroecosystems in Tezonapa, Veracruz, Mexico Quiroz Guerrero, Ismael; Pérez-Vázquez, Arturo; Landeros Sánchez, Cesáreo; Gallardo López, Felipe; Velasco Velasco, Joel; Benítez Badillo, Griselda
| | | | · Effect of macronutrient omission on cadmium uptake in rice seedlings Carrillo Zenteno, Manuel Danilo; Valarezo, Juan Xavier; Peña Salazar, Karina; Durango, Wuellins; García-Orellana, Yelitza
| | | | · Endophytic fungi associated with Vitis vinifera with antibiosis capacity against Botrytis cinerea León-Ttacca, Betsabé; Alca-Zavala, Juan; Rosas-Martínez, Jefferson; Robles-Perez, Eddy; Zamudio-Eustaquio, Paola; García-Diaz, Luis
| | | | · Biocontrol of Penicillium digitatum with secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi in mandarin fruits Leon-Ttacca, Betsabe; Arestegui-Cantoral, Yasmin; Tarula-Gutierrez, Brandy; Orellana-Cornejo, Cesar; Luis-Vilcamiza, Jorge; Flores-Pelaez, Pedro
| | | | · Cultivars of Ocañera onion (Allium cepa L.) under protected and open-field conditions Rosero-Alpala, María Gladis; Fernández, Jaime Lozano; Velásquez-Arroyo, Carlos Enrique
| | | | · Factors influencing the adoption of sustainable practices in rice cultivation in Costa Rica Barrantes-Aguilar, Luz; Gómez-Castillo, David; Villalobos-Ramos, Vanessa; Valdés-Salazar, Rodrigo
| | | | · Use of RPAS for precision evapotranspiration in rice fields and water consumption reduction Quispe-Tito, David Junior; Ramos-Fernández, Lia; Pino-Vargas, Edwin; Quille-Mamani, Javier; Torres-Rua, Alfonso
| | | | · Germination and growth of Porcelia mediocris and Compsoneura trianae in Arosemena Tola, Napo, Ecuador Abril-Saltos, Ricardo Vinicio; Tapia-Tamayo, Andre Leandro; Pillco-Herrera, Briyidt Maryeli; Quishpe-Lopez, Jonny David; Adriano, Katherin Pamela López; Sarabia, Danilo Pedro
| | | | · Growth and nutrients uptake of dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricensis and H. monocanthus) cultivated in Costa Rica Garbanzo-León, Gabriel; Vargas-Rojas, Jorge Claudio; Vega-Villalobos, Edgar Vidal
| | | Nota técnica | | | | · Radiosensitivity of three tomato varieties (Solanum lycopersicum L.) irradiated with Cobalt-60 gamma rays Jaén Villarreal, Jorge Enrique; González Cepero, María Caridad; Camargo Buitrago, Ismael; Saéz Cigarruista, Ana Elida; Guillama Alonso, Rodolfo; Guerra Murillo, José Ángel
| | | | · Formación de plántulas de fresa (Fragaria ananassa) bajo diferentes intensidades de luz LED violeta, azul y roja Ruiz Nieto, Jorge Eric; Mireles Arriaga, Ana Isabel; Hernández Ruiz, Jesús; Laguna Estrada, María Isabel; López Núñez, Adolfo Rafael; Zárate-Castrejón, José Luis
| | | | · Perception of farmers on the management of fungal diseases of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in Paraguay Caballero-Mairesse, Gabriela Giuliana; Mendes, Flávio Henrique; Arrua, Andrea Alejandra; Lopez-Nicora, Horacio Daniel; Enciso-Maldonado, Guillermo Andrés
| | | | · Fermentation of Trichoderma for biological control using local inputs in Costa Rica Becker, Patrick; Esker, Paul; Umaña Rojas, Gerardina
| | | | · Biological activity of improved color maize (Zea mays) grown in southern Sonora Cadena Cadena, Francisco; Arias Moscoso, Joe Luis; García Ramírez, Alejandro; Ochoa-Meza, Alba Roció; Cuevas Acuña, Dulce A.
| | | | · Sensitivity of the corn (Zea mays L.) crop to different periods of controlled water deficit Sáez-Cigarruista, Ana; Morales-Guevara, Donaldo; Gordon-Mendoza, Roman; Jaén-Villarreal, Jorge; Franco-Barrera, Jorge; Ramos-Manzané, Francisco
| | | | · Commercial microbial inoculants with PGPR on productive and economic variables of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Granda-Mora, Klever; Correa-Ullauri, Cristina; Collahuazo-Reinoso, Yadira; Robles-Carrión, Ángel
| | | Revisión Bibliográfica | | | | · Quinoa Downy Mildew (Peronospora variabilis): A review on disease response and treatment Chávez-Centeno, Víctor; Mancilla-Condor, Juan Luis; Carbajal-Cuadros, Leonor Neda
| | | | · Soil microorganisms and their relationship with coffee beverage quality: A review Rojas-Chacón, José Andrés; Echeverría-Beirute, Fabián; Madrigal, José Pablo Jiménez; Gatica-Arias, Andrés
| | | Artículo | | | | · Analysis of competitive forces for cocoa farmers in San José de Cúcuta, Colombia Otero-Gómez, Miller Eduardo; Villamizar-Quiñonez, César; Cancino, Susan
| | | Revisión Bibliográfica | | | | · A theoretical approach to energy requirements in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) Tapie, William Armando; Posada Ochoa, Sandra Lucía; Rosero Noguera, Ricardo
| | | Artículo | | | | · Ethnobotanical knowledge, potential and geographical distribution of mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) in the high Andean páramo, Colombia Burbano, Johanna Nataly Oliva; Luna-Cabrera, Gloria Cristina; Delgado-Vargas, Iván A.; Usama Hidalgo, Eduin Yamid
| | | | · Soil macrofauna in agroecosystems of Coffea arabica L., in Tepec-Xomolth, Nicaragua Morán Centeno, Juan Carlos; Jimenez-Martínez, Edgardo
| | | Revisión Bibliográfica | | | | · Weeds or segetal vegetation? A concept proposal for their agroecological management Gómez-Gómez, Robin
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