| Table of contents Agron. Mesoam vol.30 n.2 San Pedro May./Aug. 2019 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Climate change perceptions and adaptive responses of small-scale farmers in two Guatemalan landscapes Viguera, Bárbara; Alpízar, Francisco; Harvey, Celia A.; Martínez-Rodríguez, M. Ruth; Saborío-Rodríguez, Milagro; Contreras, Lucía
| | | | · Climate change perceptions and adaptive responses of small-scale coffee farmers in Costa Rica Viguera, Bárbara; Alpízar, Francisco; Harvey, Celia A.; Martínez-Rodríguez, M. Ruth; Saborío-Rodríguez, Milagro
| | | | · Structure and impact of taxonomic diversity on cocoa of Soconusco, Chiapas, México Suárez-Venero, Gicli Manuel; Avendaño-Arrazate, Carlos Hugo; Ruiz-Cruz, Pablo Amín; Estrada-de-los-Santos, Paulina
| | | | · Endophytic bacteria of Capsicum frutescens antagonistic to Fusarium spp. Velasco-Belalcázar, Martha Lucia; Hernández-Medina, Carlos Alberto; Gómez-López, Eyder Daniel; Torres-Gonzales, Celina; Caro-Hernández, Paola Andrea
| | | | · Inhibition of mycelial growth of fungi associated with anthracnose in yam (Dioscorea alata) Arce-Araya, Cinthia; Varela-Benavides, Ingrid; Torres-Portuguez, Sergio
| | | | · Effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculated on Canavalia ensiformis L. in Calcaric Histosol soils Simó-González, Jaime Enrique; Rivera-Espinosa, Ramón; Ruiz-Martínez, Luis Alberto; Díaz Roche, Geysi; Ruiz-Sánchez, Michael
| | | | · Absorption of nutrients in rice in an inceptisol soil under irrigation in Coclé, Panamá Barahona-Amores, Luis Alberto; Villarreal-Núñez, José Ezequiel; González-Carrasco, Walker; Quiro-Mclntire, Evelyn Itzel
| | | | · Allometric correlation in Hylocereus costaricensis y H. monocanthus (pitahaya): a tool to quantify growth Garbanzo-León, Gabriel; Chavarría-Pérez, Greddin; Vega-Villalobos, Edgar V.
| | | | · Evaluation of two-sex determining systems in papaya plants (Carica papaya) Pococí hybrid Barrantes-Santamaría, Walter; Loría-Quirós, Carlos; Gómez-Alpízar, Luis
| | | | · Assessment of counting chambers on boar sperm parameters analyzed by a CASA-Mot system Valverde, Anthony; Madrigal-Valverde, Mónica
| | | | · Extraction of apitoxin with an electric collector in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Bucio-Villalobos, Carlos Manuel; Martínez-Jaime, Oscar Alejandro
| | | | · Validation and determination of equations prediction weight for Ibero-American horses in Costa Rica Solano-Mora, Grethel; WingChing-Jones, Rodolfo
| | | | · Phenotypic stability of genotypes Lolium sp. in the high tropic of Nariño, Colombia Cadena-Guerrero, Máryory Maricela; García-Dávila, Mario Augusto; Castro-Rincón, Edwin
| | | | · Lipid profile in milk of grazing cows in the colombian dry tropics Mojica-Rodríguez, José Edwin; Castro-Rincón, Edwin; Carulla-Fornaguera, Juan Evangelista; Lascano-Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo
| | | Notas técnicas | | | | · Analysis of statistical methods to evaluate the performance of simulation models in horticultural crops Soto-Bravo, Freddy; González-Lutz, María Isabel
| | | | · Calibration and validation of Veris MSP3 on two soils in Guanacaste, Costa Rica Novais, Wanderson; Rodríguez-Mejías, José Carlos; Perret, Johan; Soto, Carlomagno; Villalobos, José Eduardo; Fuentes, Carol Lucía; Abdalla, Karim
| | | | · Frequency and cutting height on Panicum maximum cv Gatton Panic Schnellmann, Leandro Pablo; O. Verdoljak, Juan José; Bernardis, Aldo; Martínez-González, Juan Carlos; Castillo-Rodríguez, Sonia Patricia
| | | | · Azotobacter chroococcum and Azospirillum lipoferum as biostimulants in Ipomoea batatas Lam. culture Sánchez-López, Diana Beatriz; Pérez-Pazos, Jazmín Vanessa; Luna-Castellanos, Lily Lorena; García-Peña, Joaquín Alfonso; Espitia-Montes, Amaury Aroldo
| | | Revisiones bibliográficas | | | | · A look back in time: genetic improvement of coffee through the application of biotechnology Villalta-Villalobos, Jimmy; Gatica-Arias, Andrés
| | | | · Probiotics and their mechanism of action in animal feed Molina, Andrea
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