Artículo Científico |
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| · Vegetable oils on in vitro fatty acids and methane production in dairy cows Prieto-Manrique, Esperanza; Vargas-Sánchez, Julio Ernesto; Angulo-Arizala, Joaquín; Mahecha-Ledesma, Liliana
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| · Fat and fatty acids of cow milk grazing in four production systems Prieto-Manrique, Esperanza; Vargas-Sánchez, Julio Ernesto; Angulo-Arizala, Joaquín; Mahecha-Ledesma, Liliana
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| · Effect of breed and energy levels during the finishing phase of steers on grazing Ramírez-Barboza, José Ignacio; Valverde-Abarca, Anthony; Rojas-Bourrillón, Augusto
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| · Intake behavior and preference of cattle by Pennisetum silage mixed with coffee pulpa Pinto-Ruiz, René; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Medina, José Alfredo; Hernández-Sánchez, David; Ley-de Coss, Alejandro; Guerra-Medina, Enrique
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| · Molecular characterization of local maize varieties from the Biosphere Reserve La Sepultura, Mexico Hernández-Ramos, Manuel Antonio; Rodríguez-Larramendi, Luis A.; Guevara-Hernández, Francisco; Rosales-Esquinca, María de los Ángeles; Pinto-Ruiz, René; Ortiz-Pérez, Rodobaldo
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| · Tillage systems and seeding densities in sweet potato: quality of soil and reserve roots Pérez-Darniz, Maiby; García-Méndez, Auris D.; Medina, Marielena
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| · Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) yield with normal and coated urea in Pintag, Quito, Ecuador Lema-Aguirre, Andrea C.; Basantes-Morales, Emilio R.; Pantoja-Guamán, José L.
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| · Nutrient extraction by cocoa fruits in two locations in Costa Rica Furcal-Beriguete, Parménides
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| · Soil quality under two different management schemes in coffee plantations of southern Colombia Valbuena-Calderón, Oscar Eduardo; Rodríguez-Pérez, Wilson; Suárez-Salazar, Juan Carlos
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| · Postharvest characterization of tacaco ( Sechium tacaco (Pittier)) fruits in Cartago, Costa Rica Cerdas-Araya, María del Milagro; Castro-Chinchilla, Johanny
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| · Effect of phosphate solubilizing bacteria on the development of coffee seedlings Cisneros-Rojas, Carlos Adolfo; Sánchez-de Prager, Marina; Menjivar-Flores, Juan Carlos
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| · Repeatability as experimental accuracy estimation on trials analysis Camargo-Buitrago, Ismael; Gordon-Mendoza, Roman; Quirós-McIntire, Evelyn Itzel
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| · Estimated leaf area of yacon, Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Rob., through an indirect method Seminario-Cunya, Juan F.; Oblitas-Edquén, Israel; Escalante-Zumaeta, Berardo
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| · Characterization of elite Coffea canephora genotypes for its tolerance to drought Quintana-Escobar, Ana Odetth; Iracheta-Donjuan, Leobardo; Méndez-López, Ismael; Alonso-Báez, Moisés
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Comunicaciones cortas |
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| · Photosynthetic pigments and stomatal conductance in ecotypes of copoazu ( Theobroma grandiflorum Willd.Ex. Spreng K. Schum.) Suárez-Salazar, Juan Carlos; Duran-Bautista, Ervin Humprey; Rojas-Castillo, July Andrea; Ortiz-Cifuentes, Neftali
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| · Effect of planting distance in morphoagronomic variables moringa ( Moringa oleifera ) Sosa-Rodríguez, Ariel Antonio; Ledea-Rodríguez, José Leonardo; Estrada-Prad, Wilfredo; Molinet-Salas, Dariel
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| · Nutritional quality of Tithonia diversifolia Hemsl. A Gray under three planting systems in the high tropic Gallego-Castro, Luis Alberto; Mahecha-Ledesma, Liliana; Angulo-Arizala, Joaquín
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| · Antibacterial activity of aqueous extract of propolis from Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Bucio-Villalobos, Carlos Manuel; Martínez-Jaime, Oscar Alejandro
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Notas Técnicas |
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| · Estimated weight on goats with a commercial weighing tape and thoracic perimeter Chacón-Hernández, Pablo; Boschini-Figueroa, Carlos
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Revisión Bibliográfica |
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| · Crop physiological responses to high temperature stress. I. Molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects Chaves-Barrantes, Néstor Felipe; Gutiérrez-Soto, Marco Vinicio
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| · Crop physiological responses to high temperature stress. II. Tolerance and agronomic treatment Chaves-Barrantes, Néstor Felipe; Gutiérrez-Soto, Marco Vinicio
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| · Fodder shrubs and fatty acids: strategies to reduce enteric methane production in cattle Cardona-Iglesias, Juan Leonardo; Mahecha-Ledesma, Liliana; Angulo-Arizala, Joaquín
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| · Tithonia diversifolia : specie for grazing in silvopastoral systems and methods for estimating consumption Mejía-Díaz, Estefanía; Mahecha-Ledesma, Liliana; Angulo-Arizala, Joaquín
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| · Salt in cheese: several interactions Ramírez-Navas, Juan Sebastián; Aguirre-Londoño, Jessica; Aristizabal-Ferreira, Víctor Alexander; Castro-Narváez, Sandra
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