| Table of contents Agron. Mesoam vol.24 n.1 San Pedro Jun. 2013 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Genetic variability of colombian isolates of Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) Osorio-Giraldo, Inés; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Pablo; Marín-Montoya, Mauricio
| | | | · The contribution of dispersed trees in pastures for biomass reserve and climate change mitigati Chacón-León, Mario; Harvey, Celia Alice
| | | | · Parasitic nematodes associated to tomato plants in western Nicaragua Salazar-Antón, Wilber; Guzmán-Hernández, Tomás de Jesús
| | | | · Characterization of consumption of vegetables in the families of the south-south of Costa Rica Villalobos-Monge, Alexis; Sánchez-Chacón, Luis
| | | | · Identification of Thrips palmi Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in cucurbit crops in Panama Herrera-Vásquez, José Ángel; Barba-Alvarado, Anovel Amet
| | | | · Enzymatic activity and antioxidant capacity in mint (Mentha piperita L.) under refrigerated storage Martínez-Damián, María Teresa; Cruz-Álvarez, Oscar; Beryl Colinas-León, María Teresa; Rodríguez-Pérez, Juan Enrique; Ramírez-Ramírez, Sweetia Paulina
| | | | · Recovery of 15N in the banana plant within sediment origin soil Acón-Ho, Jorge; Cervantes-Umaña, Carlos; WingChing-Jones, Rodolfo
| | | | · Soil quality (ISQ) indicators and indices of feedlots in the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico Prieto-Méndez, Judith; Prieto-García, Francisco; Acevedo-Sandoval, Otílio Arturo; Méndez-Marzo, María Aurora
| | | | · Grain yield of maize varieties with yellow endosperm and earliness for Mexican highlands Espinosa-Calderón, Alejandro; Tadeo-Robledo, Margarita; Turrent-Fernández, Antonio; Sierra-Macías, Mauro; Gómez-Montiel, Noel; Zamudio-González, Benjamín
| | | | · Population density and application of nitrogen in the production of hybrid corn seed Cervantes-Ortíz, Francisco; Covarrubias-Prieto, Jorge; Rangel-Lucio, José Antonio; Terrón-Ibarra, Arturo Daniel; Mendoza-Elos, Mariano; Preciado-Ortiz, Ricardo Ernesto
| | | | · Agronomic performance of sorghumseed production lines Flores-Naveda, Antonio; Valdés-Lozano, Ciro G.S.; Zavala-García, Francisco; Olivares-Sáenz, Emilio; Gutiérrez-Díez, Adriana; Vázquez-Badillo, Mario Ernesto
| | | | · Productivity and nutritional quality of double purpose sorghum genotypes Gutiérrez-Palacios, Nury; Chow-Wong, Zildghean; Bastianelli, Denis; Bonnal, Laurent; Obando-Solís, Rafael; Trouche, Gilles
| | | | · Natural products as stimulators of immunological system in Litopenaeus vannamei, infected with Vibrio parahaemolyticus Peña-Navarro, Nelson; Vargas-Cordero, Ruth; Varela-Mejías, Alexander
| | | | · Effect of different proportions of goat milk and cow’s milk on the physical and sensory characteristics of “dulce de leche” Chacón-Villalobos, Alejandro; Pineda-Castro, María Lourdes; Méndez-Rojas, Sandra Gabriela
| | | | · Yielding and physicochemical quality of milk of goat supplemented with hydroponic green corn fodder García-Carrillo, Mario; Salas-Pérez, Lilia; Esparza-Rivera, Juan Ramón; Preciado-Rangel, Pablo; Romero-Paredes, Jaime
| | | | · Effect of age at first calving on productive parameters in Costa Rican Jersey cows Castillo-Badilla, Gloriana; Salazar-Carranza, Mauren; Murillo-Herrera, Jaime; Romero-Zúñiga, Juan José
| | | Comunicaciones cortas | | | | · First report of Panicum repens L., as a potential weed in Costa Rica Retana-Sánchez, Kenneth; Agüero-Alvarado, Renán; Montiel-Longhi, Mayra; Brenes-Prendas, Steven
| | | | · Marketing of hair sheep production in municipalities of Tejupilco y Amatepec of the State of Mexico Hernández-Martínez, Juvencio; Ortíz-Rivera, María Isabel; Rebollar-Rebollar, Samuel; Guzmán-Soria, Eugenio; González-Razo, Felipe de Jesús
| | | | · Milk quality and somatic cell count comparison in raw whole milk before and after the filtering WingChing-Jones, Rodolfo; Mora-Chaves, Esteban
| | | Información Técnica | | | | · Energy requirements for dairy calves Elizondo-Salazar, Jorge Alberto
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