| Table of contents Odontología Vital n.35 San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca Jul./Dec. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Homenaje al Dr. José Joaquín Ulloa Rodríguez Pacheco, María José
| | | Artículo de investigación | | | | · Condylar position and temporomandibular Joint Space analysis with Cone-beam tomography Guerrero Aguilar, Andrea; Flores Araque, María Elena; Flores Carrera, Eduardo; Velásquez Ron, Byron
| | | | · Prevalence of dentoalveolar trauma in the Hermano Miguel urban church Castro Vásquez, Jefferson Aníbal; Llanes Serantes, Maribel; Bastidas Calva, Magda Zulay; Jiménez Romero, Magaly Noemi
| | | Revisión | | | | · Essential oils with antibacterial activity: possible uses and administration in the dental practice Sin, Cynthya; Britos, María; Chamorro, Ester; Cáceres, Mariel; Fernández, Darío; Ortega, Silvia
| | | Artículo de investigación | | | | · Problems between the theory and practice of informed consent in dentistry in South America Luciani Reynoso, Paola; Calzolari, Aldo
| | | | · Prevalence of fluorosis in children between 4 and 15 years of age according to Dean’s index and its association with the level of fluoride present in drinking water Masabanda Olivares, Jessica; Cabrera Arias, Alejandra; Armas Vega, Ana del Carmen
| | | | · Prevalence of halitosis in children and its association with oral hygiene, dental caries, tongue coating, type of breathing, age, and sex Calle Hernández, Karina Jacqueline; Revelo Motta, Grace Elizabeth
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