| Table of contents Odontología Vital n.34 San Pedro, Lourdes de Montes de Oca Jan./Jun. 2021 Press Release | | | |
Carta al editor | | | | · Minimal intervention dentistry: A measure to control and avoid spreading COVID-19 disease Portocarrero, Juan
| | | Artículo de investigación | | | | · Exploratory-descriptive study on the attitudes of Costa Rican dentists towards the interdisciplinary application of psychological principles in oral consultation Amaíz Flores, Alejandro José; Flores, Miguel Ángel
| | | Reporte de caso | | | | · Clinical-microbiological vigilance of a C Grade Periodontitis Stage III in five years Usin, María M.; Tabares, Sandra; Ribotta de Albera, Estela; Sembaj, Adela
| | | Artículo de investigación | | | | · Factors associated with the collaboration of peruvian children during dental treatment Munayco Pantoja, Evelyn del Rosario
| | | | · Cephalometric morphology of chin symphysis in young individuals from the city of Quito-Ecuador Trelles Méndez, Jessica Aracely; Toledo Jimenez, Janine Avary; Jumbo Alba, Jeniffer Dayana; Iñiguez Pérez, Mónica Martina; Ramos Montiel, Ronald Roossevelt; Ramírez Romero, Daniel Emanuel
| | | Reporte de caso | | | | · Antibiotic prophylaxis of the patient with body prostheses undergoing oral surgery: A case report Fonseca Escobar, Diego; Parada Fernández, Fernando; Cortés Vásquez, Sandra Dora
| | | Revisión | | | | · Traditional versus simplified impression methods for complete dentures: critical appraisal of evidence Fernández, Enrique; Rivero, Marta G.; Díaz-Yokens, Marco; Padilla, Paula
| | | Reporte de caso | | | | · Intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma in mandible: Case report and literature review Lévano Loayza, Sandro Alexander; Yupanqui Pellanne, Alfredo
| | | Revisión | | | | · Biosecurity measures in dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic Benadof Fuentes, Dafna; Torche Paffetti, Ignacio; Zamora Ortega, Paula
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