| Table of contents Rev. Actual. Investig. Educ vol.24 n.2 San José Mar./Aug. 2024 Press Release | | | |
Articulo | | | | · Validation of the non-verbal immediacy scale (NVIE) to evaluate teacher behavior styles Asencios Trujillo, Lucía; Obispo Asencios, Christian Andrés
| | | | · Factors that promote and inhibit the entry and permanence of women in Engineering careers at the University of Costa Rica Vásquez Soto, Carolina; Chacón Vásquez, Mercedes; Mesa Peluffo, Sylvia; Arguedas Méndez, Silvia María
| | | | · Pedagogical cultures of indigenous Cabécares teachers. A look at his classroom work Gutiérrez Hernández, Mónica
| | | | · Relationship between parenting patterns with academic self-concept and school motivation in primary school students Ordoñez Luna, Georgina; Chávez Soto, Blanca Ivet
| | | | · Student dropout and persistence in universities in Latin America and the Caribbean: a mixed systematic review Chiarino, Nicolás; Rodríguez Enríquez, Carolina; Curione, Karina; Machado, Alina; Bonilla, Micaela; Aspirot, Laura; Garófalo, Lucía; Olveira, Bruna
| | | | · Emotional regulation in 4- and 5-year-old children during the pandemic: protective factors and risks in a private institution in Costa Rica Ureña Pinto, Melissa; Tencio Ávila, Kristel; Sibaja Molina, Johanna
| | | | · Perception of employers and graduates of the Public Accounting career, Guápiles Campus, University of Costa Rica Cerdas González, Rosa Julia; Marín Gordon, Katherine; Arguedas Ulloa, Ariel; Valverde Chinchilla, Ricardo; Bonilla Carrión, Roger
| | | | · Specialization in higher education management: Challenges and opportunities for strengthening scientific research in Angola Wongo Gungula, Eurico; Faustino, Arnaldo; Castillero Velásquez, Josefina; Dieguez Batista, Raquel
| | | | · Disaster Risk Management in the teaching of Social Studies in Costa Rica Granados Porras, Roberto
| | | | · Human rights education with persons deprived of liberty in a Comprehensive Care Unit in Costa Rica Fernández Masis, Andrey; Torres Ramírez, Gerald; Naranjo Segura, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Burnout syndrome as a predictor of work commitment in teachers at universities in Chiclayo, Peru Gamarra Moncayo, José Rolando
| | | | · Bilingual Education Programs: One more step on the route to a bilingual Costa Rica Vargas González, María Fernanda; Noguera Salgado, Norman; Maroto Vargas, Ana Patricia
| | | | · Teaching practice in elementary School in Mexico from the Pedagogy of alterity Osuna-Lever, Cecilia; Becerra-Polio, Doris Elizabeth; Medina-Barrios, María Eugenia
| | | | · The development of communicative competence in Dominican university students, through the social network Facebook: A case study Ruiz, Mayra Leonard; Muñoz, Marta Celiz María; Valerio Bejarán, Vianibel Altagracia
| | | | · Pedagogical and Didactic Aspects in Sciencie Club for Infants Taught by University Students Araya Quesada, Yorleny; Páez Zúñiga, Isabella; Navarro Camacho, Marianela; Arias Monge, Mónica
| | | | · Socio-cultural factors that favor the permanence of the Bribri indigenous students in the University of Costa Rica Blanco Torres, María Jesús; Mata Row, Rebeca; Murillo Garita, Mauro; Osorio Villegas, Josepht; Segura Solano, María Elena; Umaña Bonilla, Joselyn; Morales Trejos, Carol
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