Artículos |
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| · Access to Information about the Continuity of University Students for the Accreditation Pereira Vega, Zacarías; Regueyra Edelman, María Gabriela; Solórzano Salas, Julieta; Ureña Salazar, Viria
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| · Technical Contribution to Focus Group Approach to Students Perception on Accessibility in University Environment Gross Martínez, Martha; Stiller González, Laura
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| · Interdisciplinary Work Experience in Basic Literacy with Women, Health Promotion and Rights Sanabria Hernández, Marcela; Castro Carmiol, Evelyn; Sanabria Hernández, Gabriela
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| · Towards an Understanding of the Benefits of Short Stories in Oral Communication Courses Sevilla Morales, Henry; Méndez Pérez, Geiner
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| · The First Steps towards Special Education in Costa Rica Campos Vargas, Mariana
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| · The Creation of Educational Videos as a Teaching Strategy in the Training Process of Future English Teachers Quesada Chaves, María José
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| · Theoretical Conceptualizations and Methodological Strategies used by First Cycle Teachers in Implementing the Theory of Multiple Intelligences Mainieri Hidalgo, Aida María
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| · Perceptions towards Statistics and Probability of Primary School Teachers from the Region of Heredia Alpízar Vargas, Marianela; Chavarría Oviedo, Laura; Oviedo Rodríguez, Katalina
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| · Evaluation of the Graduate Profile of French Teachers: Suggestions for Improvement and Development Olivos Pérez, María Eugenia; Voisin, Stéphanie; Fernández Día³, José Alejandro
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| · University Students and the Last English I Examination Marín Sánchez, Claudia Isabel; LibradoTorres, Emily; Alarcón Aguirre, María Eugenia
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| · Communicative Resources of a Young Person with Autism: Multimodal Approach for a Better Quality of Life Godoy Echiburú, Gerardo; Manghi Haquin, Dominique; Soto Cardenas, Gonzalo; Aranda Godoy, Isabel
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| · The University Social Responsibility from the Perspective of the Stakeholders: A Case Study Gaete Quezada, Ricardo
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| · Primary School Students' Beliefs on the Learning of English in a Chilean School Díaz Larenas, Claudio; Morales Campos, Helga
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| · Learning Strategies and their Relationship with Academic Achievement in Students of a Private High School Roux, Ruth; Anzures González, Elsa Elva
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| · Dropout Behaviour of Students Newly-Enrolled on Design Courses: The Case of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Noriega Biggio, Marianela; Maris Vázquez, Stella; Maris García, Stella
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| · Hypertextual Critical Reading on Web 2.0 Galindo Ruiz de Chávez, María de los Ángeles
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| · University Students and Planning your Project and Vocational Training Álvarez Pérez, Pedro R.; López Aguilar, David; Pérez-Jorge, David
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| · Learning Orientation for Taking Strategic Notes on University Student Cabrera Ruiz, Isaac Iran; de la Paz, Yoisel Eguino; Jiménez González, Mirelis
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| · Education for Consumption: Empirical Approximation to the Consumption Habits of High School Students Berríos Valenzuela, Llarela; Buxarrais Estrada, María Rosa
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| · Between Mothers: Communication Workshops Cardoso Moreno, María Jesús; Aragonés, Lucía Tomás
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Ensayos |
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| · Ordinary Language: A Key to Problem-Based Math Learning García Retana, José Ángel
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| · 'The Age of School Shootings': A Sociological Interpretation on Masculinity Celis, Jorge
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| · Youth Diversity in the Educational Context: Reflections for an Intercultural Approach Morales-Trejos, Carol Graciela
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| · Theoretical Contributions to Think University Teaching Work Walker, Verónica Soledad
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| · Learning Communities: An Option for the Costa Rican Socially Challenged and Under Vulnerable Condition Population Chévez Ponce, Florlenis
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| · Teachers (Dis)Interests in Front of the Extra-Curricular Shift Activities Alves Da Silva Ubinski Dulce, Juliana; Strieder, Maria
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| · Today`s Issues to the Inclusion: A Case Study in a Early Childhood Education Portuguese Classrooms Martínez-Figueira, Mª Esther; Páramo-Iglesias, Mª Beatriz; de Matos Claudino Necho, Eugénia Maria
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Sección especial |
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| · The Analytic Circle as a Strategy for Research and Build Knowledge Valenciano Canet, Grettel
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| · Primary School Teachers' Personal and Professional Development: Contributions from Counseling Jiménez Espinoza, Ericka Isabel
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| · Existential Analysis of the Teacher's Role in the Management of Discipline in the Classroom and the School Murillo Aguilar, Osvaldo
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| · Educational Guidance and Interculturality: Theoretical and Practical Contributions to the Professional Task in Counseling Morales Trejos, Carol Graciela
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| · Counseling in the Context of Uncertainty: Promotion of Hope During Adolescence Murillo Aguilar, Osvaldo; Arguedas Negrini, Irma
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| · Counseling's Alchemy: Pedagogical Proposal from the Complexity Paradigm Alvarado Cordero, Silvia
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Artículos |
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| · Guidance and Counseling at the Ministry of Public Education in Costa Rica Ureña Salazar, Viria; Robles Murillo, Jorge
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Sección especial |
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| · Using Feedback as Evaluation Strategy: Contributions from a Socioconstructivist Approach Jiménez Segura, Flor
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| · Counseling and Gender: The Opinion of Four Primary School Teachers about your Gender Condition Jiménez Espinoza, Ericka Isabel
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| · Counseling Needs of Parents from Academic Day Secondary Schools of the North San José Region Chinchilla Jiménez, Roxana; Jiménez Segura, Flor
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| · Update Contribution of Practice in Vocational Guidance Ureña Salazar, Viria; Parrales Rodríguez, Sonia
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| · Work with a Family, Contribute from the Family Guidance Chinchilla Jiménez, Roxana
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| · Vocational Counseling's Contributions at the Work Context Ureña Salazar, Viria; Barboza Arrieta, Carmen
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