Historia de Costa Rica |
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| · Labor markets, regional socioeconomic disparities and poverty in costa rica, 2010-2017 Izquierdo Vázquez, Carlos
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| · Main policies actions for development of costa rican atlantic/ caribbean and chorotega regions: comparison between intentions and final results, 1950-2009 Cubillo Paniagua, Ruth
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| · A lagging affair: judicial branch and historical studies on Costa Rican institutionalism Cascante Segura, Carlos Humberto
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Main policies actions for development of costa rican atlantic/ caribbean and chorotega regions: comparison between intentions and final results, 1950-2009 Blanco Obando, Edgar
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Historia de Costa Rica |
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| · Comunity conservation the GandocaManzanillo wildlife shelter between 1984-2007 Alvarado Luna, German Daniel
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| · On the rugged path of progress: contributions to the history of railway Accidents in Costa Rica and Analysis of Cases at the Norther Railway Company (1920-1940) Sánchez Lovell, Adriana; Soto Rodríguez, Mario Andrés
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| · Meanings and images on the political discourse of liberalism and conservatism in liberal Costa Rica (1889-1914) Gómez Solano, Juan Alberto
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Historia de América Latina |
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| · Walk through dark lands, Emilio Olsson and colportage as a travel experience Escobar Sepúlveda, Darío; Gabriela Núñez, Paula
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Reseña |
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| · Reseña de “Yolanda Oreamuno: del mundo elegante a la república internacional de las letras (1916-1956)”, de Iván Molina Jiménez Cortés Sequeira, Sofía
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| · Comentario del libro: Ruth Cubillo Paniagua. Cubillo, R. (2011). Mujeres ensayistas e intelectualidad de vanguardia en la Costa Rica de la primera mitad del siglo XX. EUCR Mora Salazar, Nicole Paola
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| · Lectura crítica de Racismo y antirracismo en literatura de Silvia Solano Rivera y Jorge Ramírez Caro Madrigal Abarca, Mailyn
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