Artículo |
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| · Effects of parental mediation, digital skills, gender and socioeconomic status on the internet uses of children and adolescents Pérez-Sánchez, Rolando; Brenes-Peralta, Carlos
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| · Institutional habitus around the evaluation. (Des)encounter between measurement and understanding Sánchez-Sánchez, Gerardo Ignacio; Jara-Amigo, Ximena Elizabeth
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| · Music education, creativity and technology: An exploratory study on teaching strategies and creative activities with ex novo software Riaño, María Elena; Murillo, Adolf; Tejada, Jesús
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| · Pandemic and Teacher’s perceptions about emergency remote teaching: The Uruguayan case Vaillant, Denise; Rodríguez-Zidán, Eduardo; Questa-Torterolo, Mariela
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| · Evaluation conducted with university teachers on the general physics courses taught at the National University of Costa Rica During 2014 and 2019 Márquez-Artavia, Xiomara; Delgado-Orozco, Luis; Saavedra-Arias, José
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| · A professionalizing process: An intervention in higher education Camacho-Javier, Minerva; Castillo, José César López-del
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| · Effectiveness of an intervention program based on mindfulness to self-regulate care in primary school children González-Cortez, Nicol Andrea; Lagos-San Martín, Nelly
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| · Human-Centered design as a creative exploration path in the teaching-learning of audiovisual undergraduate students Pérez-Guerrero, Ana María; Reyes, Carlos Andrés
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| · Validation of the digital teaching competence questionnaire in chilean university Teachers Riquelme-Plaza, Irma; Cabero-Almenara, Julio; Marín-Díaz, Verónica
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| · Strategic learning in traditional distance mode: characterization of teaching-learning Ladino-Calderón, Francy Milena; Rincón-Infante, Sandra Milena
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| · Developing academic writing skills in EFL university students through haiku composition Santillán-Iñiguez, Juan José; Rodas-Pacheco, Fabián Darío
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| · Views on the incorporation of geolocation devices in field trips Magallón, Marta; Mercader, Cristina
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Revisión Bibliográfica |
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| · Initial teaching training in Chile: A bibliographic review on its implementation and achievements Bastías-Bastías, Lady Sthefany; Iturra-Herrera, Carolina
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| · Gamification, motivation, and performance in education: A systematic review Prieto-Andreu, Joel Manuel; Gómez-Escalonilla-Torrijos, Juan Diego; Said-Hung, Elias
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| · Theoretical references for an accreditation model from evaluation and quality management Zúñiga-Arrieta, Sandra; Camacho-Calvo, Silvia
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Artículo |
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| · Initial training of primary school teachers in the field of human rights in Spain Neubauer, Adrián
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| · The collective practice of music. Youth symphonic band of San Pedro Sula: A possible space for sustainable social development Rodríguez-Reinoso, Oswaldo Antonio; Luna-Nemecio, Josemanuel
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| · Disconnection or unawareness: Professionals in preschool education and the didactic of a foreign language Jaramillo-Valencia, Bairon; Quintero-Arrubla, Sonia Ruth
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| · Negative stereotypes towards older people. A study with teachers in initial training Moreno-Crespo, Pilar; Moreno-Fernández, Olga; Pedrero-García, Encarnación
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| · Peer tutoring and its impact on academic performance in a university mathematics course Chacón-Vargas, Erick
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| · Errors and difficulties faced during the elaboration of undergraduate and graduate thesis by peruvian students: Pedagogical implications Perdomo, Bexi; Morales, Oscar Alberto
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| · Implementation of the 2012 upper secondary school curriculum in Mexico: a 21st-century framework enquiry Hernández-Fernández, Jimena
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| · Experience and perceptions about infographic with educational purposes in teaching training Ríos-Higuera, Selenne; Caro-Coronado, Isis Berenice; Espinoza-Cid, Rosa Ascención
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Revisión Bibliográfica |
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| · Psychopedagogical diagnosis: From classifying students to identifying barriers to learning and participation Herrera-Rodríguez, José Ignacio; Guevara-Fernández, Geycell Emma
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Ensayo |
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| · The juxtaposed object of the social sciences and its implications in teacher training Cuesta-Moreno, Óscar Julián; Meléndez-Labrador, Sandra Mireya
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