| Sumário Rev. Mat vol.19 no.1 San José Jan. 2012 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · K-finite decidable objcts and finite cardinals in an arbitrary topos Acuña Ortega, Osvaldo
| | | | · Estimation of general equilibium model in dynamic economies using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods Estévez, Gloria; Infante, Saba; Sáez, Francisco
| | | | · Joint Kalman-Haar algorithm applied to signal processing Viegener, Alejandro; Sirne, Ricardo O; P. Serrano, Eduardo; Fabio, Marcela; D’Attellis, Carlos E
| | | | · Co-occurrence matrix and fractal dimension for image segmentation Marrón, Beatriz S
| | | | · Local regularity analysis of market index for the 2008 economical crisis Figliola, Alejandra; Rosenblatt, Mariel; Serrano, Eduardo P
| | | | · Small data existence for the boltzmann equation in L1 Galeano Andrades, Rafael; Ortega Palencia, Pedro; Vásquez Ávila, María Ofelia
| | | | · On the Cramér-von Mises statistic Maríınez-Camblor, Pablo; Carleos, Carlos; Corral, Norberto
| | | | · Influence factors in private investment in El Salvador Palacios, René; Funes, Nerys
| | | | · Tsunami: An interesting mathematical problema González González, Rodrigo; Ortiz Figueroa, Modesto; Montoya Rodríguez, José Miguel
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