| Table of contents Rev. costarric. salud pública vol.25 n.1 San José Jan./Jun. 2016 Press Release | | | |
Artículos originales | | | | · Pneumonia mortality in Andalusia Gea-Izquierdo, Enrique
| | | | · Physical health and stress in security officers of the University of Costa Rica in 2014 Briceño Torres, José Miguel; Moncada Jiménez, José
| | | | · Evaluation of Mercury Levels in Fishery Products in Costa Rica, During 2003-2013, as an Input to recommend a tolerable weekly intake Salazar Chacón, Yajaira; Rodríguez Yáñez, Javier; Sierra Gómez, Henry; Piedra Marín, Gilberto; Chaverri Suárez, Federico
| | | | · The impact of a nutritional training on specialized nutrition for the foodservice staff of the Ministerio de Justicia y Paz Chaves Corea, Abner; Zamora Corrales, Irina; Vega Carmona, Daniel; Brenes Mendieta, Priscilla
| | | | · The association between cardiovascular risk factors and resting blood pressure in college students Carpio Rivera, Elizabeth; Solera Herrera, Andrea; Salicetti Fonseca, Alejandro; Hernández Elizondo, Jesennia; Moncada Jiménez, José
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