| Table of contents Rev. costarric. salud pública vol.16 n.31 San José Dec. 2007 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | | | | Artículos originales | | | | · Risk factors associated with metabolic symdrome in a health fair; Hospital México; San José, Costa Rica; February, 2007 Rojas Barahona, Roubier M; Trejos Herrera, Marianela
| | | | · Anti-nutritional factors present in raw, polished rice Villalobos H, María E; Espinoza E, Ana M
| | | | · Exploratory-ecological study on the relationship between the concentration of calcium salts in water for human consumption and the incidence of renal stones in Costa Rica Mora Alvarado, Darner A; Chamizo García, Horacio
| | | | · Evolution of public consumption and spending on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) during the period 2001 to 2005 Barber Pérez, Patricia; Morera Salas, Melvin; Aparicio Llanos, Amada; Xirinachs Salazar, Yanira
| | | | · Determination of species of salmonella and endoparasites in grackles (quiscalus mexicanus) in the park of Cañas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica Minott Picado, Priscila; Caballero Castillo, Magali
| | | | · Prevalence of leprosy in Costa Rica between 1998 and 2003 Espinoza Aguirre, Azálea
| | | | · Knowledge among students of the university of Costa Rica regarding the human papilloma virus during the second semester of the 2006 academic year, Costa Rica Jiménez Herrera, Luis G
| | | | · Body weight perception and strategies used to control body weight among costa rican adults Padilla Vargas, G; Roselló Araya, M; Guzmán Padilla, S; Aráuz Hernández, A; Solórzano Alfaro, N
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