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| · A review of biomass gasification systems for energy generation in Costa Rica between 1982 and 2014 Castillo-Benavides, José Alberto; Richmond-Navarro, Gustavo; Rojas-Pérez, Francisco; Zamora-Picado, Esteban
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| · Morphological variability in fruits from a single tacaco (Sechium tacaco (Pittier) C. Jeffrey) population along the time Monge-Pérez, José Eladio; Loría-Coto, Michelle
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| · Optimization of a metabolic pathway in Escherichia coli for the production of farnesene through the use of synthetic biology Garro-Monge, Giovanni; García-Gómez, David; Valerín-Berrocal, Karla; Jiménez-Quesada, Karol
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| · Establishment of a protocol for the growth and multiplication of Setophoma terrestris and Fusarium spp. from an onion culture (Allium cepa L) López-Courrau, Karol; Rivera-Méndez, William; Brenes-Madriz, Jaime; Zúñiga-Vega, Claudia
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| · Immobilization of the photoactive protein bacteriorhodopsin on zinc oxide Application in Bio-Sensitized Solar Cells Martínez-Brenes, Alejandro; Chaves-Villarreal, Claudia
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| · Requirements Analysis for a National Bridge Monitoring System Garita, César; Ortiz, Giannina; Mora-Mora, Juliana
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| · Evaluation of two water quality indices in several sites of the La Central stream, Pacayas de Alvarado, Costa Rica Calvo-Brenes, Guillermo; Araya-Ulloa, Andrea
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| · Comparative study of drinking-water coverage between Panama and Costa Rica Mora-Alvarado, Darner A.
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| · Macroinvertebrates and phytoplanckton as bioindicators of pollution in Chicama river basin, Peru Santillán-Aredo, Santos R.; Guerrero-Padilla, Ana M.
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| · Experimental measurement of organizational citizenship behavior: Altruism, risk aversion and sportsmanship Torres-Carballo, Federico; Morales-Rodríguez, Néstor; Brenes-Leiva, Grettel; Solís-Salazar, Martin
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| · Anaerobic stabilization of biodegradable solid waste for animal feed at Tecnológico de Costa Rica González-Rojas, Noelia; Brenes-Peralta, Laura; Jiménez-Morales, María Fernanda; Vaquerano-Pineda, Felipe; Campos-Rodríguez, Rooel
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| · Development of a fixed-wing UAS platform for photogrammetric applications Gutiérrez-Leiva, Edgar; Arriola-Valverde, Sergio; Chavarría-Zamora, Luis Alberto; Rimolo-Donadio, Renato
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| · Validation of a post - column reactor liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection method for the determination of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in bivalve molluscs from Costa Rica Rojas-Arrieta, Karla; Salazar-Chacón, Yajaira; Rojas-Martínez, José Luis; Borbón, Henry
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| · Microorganisms of the marine corridor Isla del Coco-Galapagos: functional and species diversity Rojas-Jiménez, Keilor
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| · Inclusion of environmental criteria in public procurement in Costa Rica: Office supplies Gamboa-Castro, Juan José; Salazar-Rojas, Teresa
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