| Table of contents Agron. Costarricense vol.48 n.1 San Pedro de Montes de Oca Jan./Jun. 2024 Press Release | | | |
Artículo | | | | · Vegetative-generative of hydroponic tomato and sweet pepper produced under greenhouse, subjected to moisture content depletion Soto-Bravo, Freddy; Betancourt-Flores, Alejandro
| | | | · Adaptability and stability of tomato mutants in Los Santos, Panama Jaén-Villarreal., Jorge Enrique; González-Cepero., María Caridad; Camargo-Buitrago., Ismael; Gordón-Mendoza., Román; Sáez-Cigarruista, Ana Elida; Centella-Pereira, Francisco Alberto
| | | | · Nitrogen and chlorophyll concentration in leaves of hydroponic sweet pepper in greenhouse under different irrigation and nutrition management strategies Soto-Bravo., Freddy; Angulo-Guillé n, María Alejandra
| | | | · Preliminary response of canavalia to mycorrhizal inoculation in an edaphic environment of Jibacoa Ferrás-Negrín., Yusdel; Rivera-Espinosa, Ramón; Pérez-Salina, Vidalina; Sánchez-Esmori, Ciro
| | | | · Effect of growth retardants on reducing lodging in sweet forage sorghum Flórez-Gómez, Deisy Lorena; Osorio-Guerrero, Karen Viviana; Rodríguez-Yzquierdo, Gustavo Adolfo; Jaramillo-Bonilla, Sair; Ortegón-Herrera, Luis Ernesto; Gómez-Delgado, Evelin; Brochero-Aldana, Guillermo Alberto
| | | | · Forage potential of selected Costa Rican corn varieties for grain Sánchez-Ledezma, William; Bonilla-Morales, Nevio; Hernández-Chavez, Moisés; Granados-Marín, Cinthia
| | | | · Increase the biological nitrogen fixation and the growth of soybean (Glycine max) using phosphorus-solubilizing fungi Castro-Barquero, Leida
| | | Nota técnica | | | | · Changes in the chemical characteristics of three saline soils, treated with five calcium amendments Cedeño-Coll, Edgar Patricio; Dilas-Jiménez., Josué Otoniel; Carrillo-Zenteno, Manuel Danilo
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