| Table of contents Rev. biol. trop vol.66 n.3 San José Jul./Sep. 2018 Press Release | | | |
Artículos | | | | · Growth-promoting rhizobacteria from Guarianthe skinneri (Orchidaceae) Aguilar Díaz, Trinidad; Bertolini, Vincenzo; Carrillo Castañeda, Guillermo; Guillén Navarro, Griselda Karina; García Fajardo, Luz Verónica; Castro Chan, Ricardo Alberto
| | | | · Foliar concentration of macro- and micronutrients in four woody legumes from a tropical dry-seasonal forest in Costa Rica Alvarado, Alfredo; Mora, Argenis; Chacón-Madrigal, Eduardo; Villalobos, José E.; Sandí, Carlos L.
| | | | · Surveillance influence in a rocky shore within a marine protected area, Central Pacific of Costa Rica Azofeifa-Solano, Juan Carlos; Salas-Moya, Carolina; Cubero-Campos, Yamileth; Sibaja-Cordero, Jeffrey A.
| | | | · Temporal and spatial interactions of sympatric mesocarnivores at a Biosphere Reserve: coexistence or competition? Carrera-Treviño, Rogelio; Astudillo-Sánchez, Claudia C.; Garza-Torres, Héctor A.; Martínez-García, Luis; Soria-Díaz, Leroy
| | | Articule | | | | · Spatial patterns and interactions of dominant tree species in an Amazon tropical rainforest Costa Cysneiros, Vinicius; Antônio Dalmaso, Cilmar; Libanio Pelissari, Allan; Povoa de Mattos, Patricia; de Souza, Luizinho; do Amaral Machado, Sebastião
| | | Articules | | | | · Determination of optimal prey for rearing the Tropical Gar Atractosteus tropicus (Lepisosteiformes: Lepisosteidae) Escalera-Vázquez, Luis Humberto; Domínguez-Domínguez, Omar; Molina-Domínguez, Eduardo; Sarma, S.S.S.; Nandini, S.
| | | | · Cellulolytic ability of a promising Irpex lacteus (Basidiomycota: Polyporales) strain from the subtropical rainforest of Misiones province, Argentina Martín Giorgio, Ernesto; Villalba, LauraLidia; Lucio Robledo, Gerardo; Zapata, Pedro Darío; Nazareno Saparrat, Mario Carlos
| | | Artículos | | | | · Production of fruits of Gleditsia amorphoides (Fabaceae) and abundance of Bruchidius endotubercularis Arora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) during three consecutive years in the Southeast of the Formosa Province (Argentina) Godoy, Marcela; Kehr, Arturo; Lavia, Graciela
| | | Articules | | | | · Cnidae sizes in the two morphotypes of the giant Caribbean anemone Condylactis gigantea (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) González-Muñoz, Ricardo; Hernández-Ortiz, Carlos; Garese, Agustín; Simões, Nuno; Acuña, Fabián Horacio
| | | | · Influence of sediment granulometry and salinity on the composition of an estuarine fish assemblage in the Mexican Tropical Pacific González-Sansón, Gaspar; Aguilar-Betancourt, Consuelo M.; Kosonoy-Aceves, Daniel
| | | Artículos | | | | · Sexual morphogenesis phase of the epiphytic ferns Microgramma mortoniana and Pleopeltis macrocarpa (Polypodiaceae) from Punta Lara Natural Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina Gorrer, Daniel Alejandro; Berrueta, Pedro Cayetano; RamosGiacosa, Juan Pablo; Giudice, Gabriela Elena; LujánLuna, María
| | | Articules | | | | · Brunei Publications in the Science Citation Index Expanded (1973-2016): Bibliometrics and comparison with other tropical countries Ho, Yuh-Shan; Biaw Leng Lim, Linda; Monge-Nájera, Julián
| | | | · The effect of seasonal and human pressure on macrobenthic fauna in the Caroni Swamp Ramsar Site, Trinidad and Tobago Kanhai, Attish; Juman, Rahanna
| | | | · Chironomidae (Diptera) species diversity of estuaries across a land use gradient on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica Kranzfelder, Petra; Ferrington Jr., Leonard C.
| | | | · Insect galls from Córdoba, Argentina: a case where stem galls predomínate Kuzmanich, Nicolás; Giorgis, Melisa A.; Salvo, Adriana
| | | | · Intra- and inter-annual variation in a seagrass meadow on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica: 2009-2015 Loría-Naranjo, Margarita; Samper-Villarreal, Jimena; Sandoval-Siles, Marylaura; Cortés, Jorge
| | | | · Substrate, moisture, temperature and seed germination of the threatened endemic tree Eriotheca vargasii (Malvaceae) Mamani, Godofredo; Soto, Héctor Chuquillanqui; Chumbiauca Mateo, Susana L.; Sahley, Catherine T.; Alonso, Alfonso; Linares-Palomino, Reynaldo
| | | | · Current knowledge of earthworm richness and distribution in Santa Fe province, Argentina Masin, Carolina Elisabet; Momo, Fernando Roberto; Zalazar, Cristina Susana; Rodríguez, Alba Rut
| | | Artículos | | | | · Pollen loads used by Apis mellifera (Himenoptera: Apidae) in an area of subtropical forest in Northwestern Argentina Méndez, Magalí Verónica; Sánchez, Ana Carina; Flores, Fabio Fernando; Lupo, Liliana Concepción
| | | | · Incidental catch in traps of the lionfish Pterois volitans (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) in the Colombian Caribbean Merlano Cera, Merlys; García-Urueña, Rocío
| | | | · Trophic ecology and ecomorphological traits of the fish Triportheus magdalenae (Characiformes: Triportheidae) in the El Guájaro reservoir, Magdalena River, Colombia Morales, Jenny J.; García-Alzate, Carlos A.
| | | Articules | | | | · Effects of land use and limnology variables on the dissimilarity of common and rare aquatic insects in Atlantic Forest streams M. Ongaratto, Rocheli; C. Loureiro, Rafael; M. Restello, Rozane; U. Hepp, Luiz
| | | Artículos | | | | · Medium and large mammals associated with the tropical dry forest of central Mexico Pérez-Solano, Luz Adriana; González, Matilde; López-Tello, Eva; Mandujano, Salvador
| | | | · Cattle raising influence over the aquatic macroinvertebrates in microbasins of central Andes, Colombia Ramírez, Yuly Paulina; Giraldo, Lina Paola; Zúñiga, María del Carmen; Ramos, Blanca Cecilia; Chará, Julián
| | | Articules | | | | · Trophic structure of a floodplain fish assemblage in the upper Amazon basin, Bolivia Rejas, Danny
| | | | · Geographical context of forgotten amphibians: Colombian “Data Deficient species” sensu IUCN Román-Palacios, Cristian; Valencia-Zuleta, Alejandro
| | | | · Antimicrobial activity of four Valeriana (Caprifoliaceae) species endemic to the Venezuelan Andes Rondón, María; Velasco, Judith; Rojas, Janne; Gámez, Luis; León, Gudberto; Entralgo, Efraín; Morales, Antonio
| | | | · Methanolic extract of Rhinella schneideri (Anura: Bufonidae) poison causes ultrastructural changes in nerve terminals of phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations in mice Rostelato-Ferreira, Sandro; Rocha, Thalita; Belo, Cháriston A. Dal; Rodrigues-Simioni, Léa; Ownby, Charlotte L.; Cruz-Höfling, Maria Alice da
| | | Artículos | | | | · Microencapsulated diets for tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) larviculture Saenz de Rodrigáñez, Miguel; Aguilar-Tellez, Federico Vladymir; Alarcón-López, Francisco Javier; Pedrosa-Islas, Ruth; Peña-Marín, Emyr Saul; Martínez-García, Rafael; Guerrero-Zárate, Rocío; Matamoros, Wilfredo A.; Álvarez-González, Carlos Alfonso
| | | Articules | | | | · Critical vitrification steps towards survival of Garcinia hombroniana (Clusiaceae) shoot tips after cryopreservation Sulong, Norafarain; Farhana Shahabudin, Nurul; Mohd. Noor, Normah
| | | Artículos | | | | · Labial palps of the butterfly Prestonia clarki (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Ultrastructure of sensilla and sensory organs Vargas-Fernández, Isabel; CastroGerardino, Diana Jimena; Llorente-Bousquets, Jorge E.
| | | Reseña de libro | | | | · Isla del Coco / Cocos Island: la isla que hizo grande a Costa Rica Morales, Carlos O.
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