Obituario |
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| · Ana Cecilia Fonseca Escalante (27 de octubre 1970 - 3 de enero 2013) Alumna, colega y amiga Cortés Núñez, Jorge
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Botanica |
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| · Growth and biochemical composition of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Thalassiosirales: Thalassiosiraceae) cultivated in semicontinuous system at different culture media and irradiances -Suárez, Aleikar; Guevara, Miguel; González, Mayelys; Cortez, Roraysi; Arredondo-Vega, Bertha
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| · Crouania pumila sp. nov. (Callithamniaceae: Rhodophyta), a new species of marine red algae from the Seaflower International Biosphere Reserve, Caribbean Colombia Gavio, Brigitte; Reyes-Gómez, Viviana P.; Wynne, Michael J.
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| · Anatomic characterization of growth-rings in 80 potential tree species for dendrocronological studies in the Central forest, Perú Beltrán Gutiérrez, Lizandro Adal; Valencia Ramos, Gina Mariela
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| · Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarinaceae) growth in soil with diesel and application of biostimulation and bioaugmentation Díaz-Martínez, María Esther; Alarcón, Alejandro; Ferrera-Cerrato, Ronald; Almaraz- Suarez, Juan José; García-Barradas, Oscar
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| · Structural adaptations of two sympatric epiphytic orchids (Orchidaceae) to a cloudy forest environment in rocky outcrops of Southeast Brazil Franco Pinheiro, Ana Sílvia; Pires de Lemos Filho, José; dos Santos Isaias, Rosy Mary
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| · Sporogenesis and spores of Equisetum bogotense (Equisetaceae) from mountain areas of Colombia Rincón-Baron, Edgar Javier; Torres, Gerardo Andrés; Rolleri, Cristina Hilda
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| · Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Vitex trifolia (Lamiales: Lamiaceae): a potential medicinal plant Samantaray, Sanghamitra; Kumar Bishoyi, Ashok; Maiti, Satyabrata
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| · Establishment of cell suspension cultures of two Costa Rican Jatropha species (Euphorbiaceae) Solís-Ramos, Laura Yesenia; Carballo, Laura Miranda; Valdez-Melara, Marta
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| · Morpho-anatomy, imbibition, viability and germination of the seed of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Fabaceae) Omar Varela, Rodolfo; Albornoz, Patricia Liliana
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| · State strategy for Cycad (Zamiaceae) conservation: A proposal for the State of Hidalgo, Mexico Vite, Aurelia; Pulido, María T.; Flores-Vázquez, Juan C.
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| · Identification of endangered or threatened Costa Rican tree species by wood anatomy and fluorescence activity Moya, Róger; Wiemann, Michael C.; Olivares, Carlos
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Invertebrados acuaticos |
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| · Species composition and bathymetric distribution of gorgonians (Anthozoa: Octocorallia) on the Southern Mexican Pacific coast Abeytia, Rosalinda; Guzmán, Héctor M.; Breedy, Odalisca
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| · Individual growth modeling of the penshell Atrina maura (Bivalvia: Pinnidae) using a multi model inference approach Aragón-Noriega, Eugenio Alberto
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| · A ten-month diseases survey on wild Litopenaeus setiferus (Decapoda: Penaeidae) from Southern Gulf of Mexico del Río-Rodríguez, Rodolfo Enrique; Pech, Daniel; Soto-Rodriguez, Sonia Araceli; Gomez-Solano, Monica Isela; Sosa-Lopez, Atahualpa
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| · Length of capture and reproduction of green spiny lobster Panulirus gracilis (Decapoda: Palinuridae) from the coast of Manabí, Ecuador Figueroa, Juan; Mero, David
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| · Apparent carbohydrate and lipid digestibility of feeds for whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae), cultivated at different salinities Gucic, Milena; Cortés-Jacinto, Edilmar; Civera-Cerecedo, Roberto; Ricque-Marie, Denis; Martínez-Córdova, Luis Rafael
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| · Microorganisms effect with probiotic potential in water quality and growth of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in intensive culture Melgar Valdes, Carolina Esther; Barba Macías, Everardo; Álvarez-González, Carlos Alfonso; Tovilla Hernández, Cristian; Sánchez, Alberto J.
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| · Community structure of sponges (Porifera) in three reefs at Morrocoy National Park, Venezuela and its correspondence with some environmental variables Romero, Marco A.; Villamizar, Estrella; Malaver, Nora
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Invertebrados terrestres |
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| · Spider diversity in cultures of Citrus sinensis (Rutaceae) in Corrientes province, Argentina Avalos, Gilberto; Bar, María Esther; Oscherov, Elena Beatriz; González, Alda
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| · Mandibular and postpharyngeal gland secretions of Acromyrmex landolti (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as chemical cues for nestmate recognition Sainz-Borgo, Cristina; Leal, Bernardo; Cabrera, Aivlé; Hernández, José V.
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| · Synanthropy of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) in La Pintada, Antioquia-Colombia Yepes-Gaurisas, Daniela; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Juan David; Antunes de Mello-Patiu, Cátia; Wolff Echeverri, Marta
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Vertebrados acuaticos |
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| · Trophic ecology of the exotic Lerma livebearer Poeciliopsis infans (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in the Lago de Pátzcuaro, Central Mexico Ramírez-Herrejón, Juan P.; Castañeda-Sam, Lissette S.; Moncayo-Estrada, Rodrigo; Caraveo-Patiño, Javier; Balart, Eduardo F.
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| · A comparative analysis of three length based methods for estimating growth of the tilapia Oreochromis aureus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) in a tropical lake of Mexico Arellano-Torres, Andrés; Hernández Montaño, Daniel; Meléndez Galicia, Carlos
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| · Micropterus salmoides (Pisces: Centrarchidae) reproduction in the Gustavo Díaz Ordaz reservoir, Sinaloa, México Beltrán Alvarez, Rigoberto; Sánchez Palacios, Jesús; Ramírez Lozano, Juan Pedro; Ortega Salas, Adolfo-Armando
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| · Reproduction of Blackfin tuna Thunnus atlanticus (Perciformes: Scombridae) in Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, Equatorial Atlantic, Brazil Bezerra, Natalia P.A.; Fernandes; Albuquerque, Fernanda V.; Pedrosa, Vanessa; Hazin, Fábio; Travassos, Paulo
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| · Effect of environmental factors and fishing effort allocation on catch of the Spotted Eagle Ray Aetobatus narinari (Rajiformes: Myliobatidae) in Southern Gulf of Mexico Cuevas, Elizabeth; Pérez, Juan Carlos; Méndez, Iván
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| · Fish communities and trophic metrics as measures of ecological degradation: a case study in the tributaries of the river Ganga basin, India Kumar Dubey, Vineet; Kumar Sarkar, Uttam; Pandey, Ajay; Singh Lakra, Wazir
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| · Three new species of Hemibrycon (Characiformes: Characidae) from the Magdalena River Basin, Colombia Román-Valencia, César; Ruiz-C., Raquel I.; Taphorn, Donald C.; Mancera-Rodriguez, Néstor J.; García-Alzate, Carlos A.
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Vertebrados terrestres |
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| · Population demography in Rhinella arenarum (Anura: Bufonidae) and Physalaemus biligonigerus (Anura: Leiuperidae) in agroecosystems in the province of Córdoba, Argentina Bionda, Clarisa; Lajmanovich, Rafael; Salas, Nancy; Martino, Adolfo; di Tada, Ismael
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| · Vocal patterns of adult females and juveniles Caiman yacare (Crocodilia: Alligatoridae) in Brazilian Pantanal wetland Sicuro, Fernando L.; Iack-Ximenes, Gilson E.; Wogel, Henrique; Bilate, Marcos
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Ecologia |
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| · Successional stage, fragmentation and exposure to extraction influence the population structure of Euterpe precatoria (Arecaeae) Avalos, Gerardo; Fernández Otárola, Mauricio; Engeln, James Theodore
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| · Hurricane Paloma’s effects on seagrasses along Jardines de la Reina archipelago, Cuba Guimarais, Mayrene; Zúñiga, Adán; Pina, Fabián; Matos, Felipe
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| · Growth and photosynthetic performance of five tree seedlings species in response to natural light regimes from the Central Pacific of Costa Rica Guzmán Q., J. Antonio; Cordero S., Roberto A.
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| · Natural regeneration response in mangroves of the Gulf of Urabá (Colombia) to the environmental and intra-annual climate variability Hoyos G., Róssalyn; Urrego G., Ligia Estela; Lema T., Álvaro
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| · Toxicological effects of prolonged and intense use of mosquito coil emission in rats and its implications on malaria control Taiwo Idowu, Emmanuel; Aimufua, Oyenmwen Judith; Yomi-Onilude, Ejovwoke; Akinsanya, Bamidele; Adetoro Otubanjo, Olubumi
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| · Necrophilous beetles diversity (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Silphidae, Staphylinidae and Trogidae) in a semiarid area of Zapotitlán de las Salinas valley, Puebla, Mexico Jiménez-Sánchez, Esteban; Quezada-García, Roberto; Padilla-Ramírez, Jorge
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| · Photosynthesis of seedlings of Otoba novogranatensis (Myristicaceae) and Ruagea glabra (Meliaceae) in abandoned pasture, secondary forest and plantation habitats in Costa Rica Loik, Michael E.; Cole, Rebecca J.; Holl, Karen D.; Sady, Gabriel C.
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| · Altitudinal richness patterns of Papilionidae, Pieridae and Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera) in Mexican mountain areas David; Luis Martínez, Moisés Armando
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| · Spatial distribution of Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophyllaceae) seedlings and saplings relative to canopy cover in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica Fuchs, Eric J.; Robles, Tatiana; Hamrick, James L.
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