| Table of contents Acta méd. costarric vol.64 n.1 San José Jan./Mar. 2022 Press Release | | | |
Editorial | | | | · Vacunación Porras, Oscar
| | | Revisión | | | | · Impact of aerobic exercise on patients with interstitial lung diseases Pereira-Rodríguez, Javier Eliecer; Mariano-Fernández, Elizabeth; Hernández Romero, Rolando José; López-Mejía, Camilo Andrés; Rojas-Romero, Arley Fernando; Delgadillo-Espinosa, William Alberto
| | | | · Single nucleotide variation in cytokine genes as disease markers Betancourth-Arteaga, Isabella; Rodriguez-Patiño, Erika; Fabián-Gómez, Romel; Chávez-Vivas, Mónica
| | | Original | | | | · Chronic kidney disease of nontraditional causes, mortality rates and hospital discharges Rivera-Chavarría, Ana; Méndez-Chacón, Ericka
| | | | · Risk factors and prevalence of osteopenia and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women diagnosed by bone densitometry Castro-Gamboa, Adriana; Chaves-Castillo, Melissa; González-González, Esteban; Arce-Corrales, Luis Pablo; Solís-Barquero, Sergio Manuel
| | | | · Isolation of Cryptococcus neoformans from droppings of the Feral Pigeon (Columba livia) found in public places in El Salvador Funes, Guillermo; Mata-Delgado, Cristian; Jaikel-Víquez, Daniela; Guerrero-Mendoza, Zoila Virginia
| | | Opinión | | | | · Basic science and its applications: three milestones in the 20th century with special reference to Oral Rehydration De Céspedes-Montealegre, Carlos
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