Editoriales |
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| · Informe sobre la reunión de Academias de Medicina de Latinoamérica, España y Portugal Arrea Baixench, Carlos
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| · Tabacosis: ¿una enfermedad o un síndrome? Mainieri Hidalgo, José Alberto
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Biografía |
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| · Dr. Jorge Vega Rodríguez
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Revisión |
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| · Hemophagocityc Lymphohistiocytosis: A Spectrum from the Genetic Disorder to the Macrophage Activation Syndrome Porras, Oscar
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| · Palliative Management of Dyspnea in the Terminal Patient Carvajal-Valdy, Gabriel; Ferrandino-Carballo, Marco; Salas-Herrera, Isaías
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Originales |
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| · Glycated Hemoglobin Analysis of Diabetic Patients Diagnosed from 2006 to 2008 at the National Children’s Hospital Morales-Navarro, Karla; Richmond -Padilla, Erick; Bogarín -Solano, Roberto; Jaramillo-Lines, Orlando
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| · Immunohistochemical Screening for Fragile X Syndrome in a Population of Costa Rican Children and Adolescents Vindas-Smith, Rebeca; Cuenca-Berger, Patricia; Brenes-Pino, Fernando; Castro-Volio, Isabel
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Opinión |
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| · Tabacosis, a change in therminology for an increase in consciousness Rodríguez-Madrigal, Alexis; Oguilve-Méndez, Miguel Angel
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Casos clínicos |
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| · Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery in the Management of Persistent Pneumothorax by Gunshot in a Paediatric Patient Murillo-Ortiz, Juan Pablo; Hernández- Cordero, María del Rocío; López- Padilla, Julio; Fernández- Flores, Rodolfo
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Investigación Costarricense en Revistas Extranjeras |
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Ruta diagnóstica |
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| · Guía breve para el manejo de las infecciones oportunistas del paciente adulto y adolescente con VIH/sida León-Bratti, María Paz
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