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vol.31 issue123What do Chilean and Costa Rican psychologists believe and advise about parenting?Comparative of the subjective quality of life in the Integral Care Centers of two Spanish-speaking countries: perspective from the aging author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Actualidades en Psicología

On-line version ISSN 2215-3535


CHONG VILLARREAL, Francisco  and  TORRES LOPEZ, Teresa Margarita. The agency of people living with HIV, living in impoverished areas of Chiapas in Mexico. Act.Psi [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.123, pp.62-73. ISSN 2215-3535.

This paper aims to identify the dimensions of the agency (present past and future) in people with HIV (PV) in communities of Chiapas/México. The agency is the capacity to respond to the challenges that arise in life with resources that are available. Twenty interviews were conducted (12 men and 8 women) to people that lve with the virus (PV) who had received the diagnosis at least one year earlier with an age range from 21 to 59 years. A script of open questions followed. Results: PV participate within the extended family to meet the needs of the disease. Discussion: People with HIV do not lack the power to address health challenges and HIV-related stigma.

Keywords : HIV; agency; extended family; poverty.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )