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Actualidades en Psicología

On-line version ISSN 2215-3535


CASTRO-CARRASCO, Pablo Javier et al. What do Chilean and Costa Rican psychologists believe and advise about parenting?. Act.Psi [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.123, pp.44-61. ISSN 2215-3535.

This research investigates the subjective theories of 12 Chilean and Costa Rican psychologists who work with children, with the purpose of describing and interpreting their explanations about child rearing. Episodic interviews were used and analyzed using a Grounded Theory model. The interviewees point out that they use their own experience and beliefs when advising parents. Results indicated that, according to the interviewees, the topics most frequently consulted by parents were children’s high impulsivity and disciplining. The interviewees believe the most common parenting styles are the authoritarian and the permissive ones, the latter being associated with parents’ fear and anxiety.

Keywords : Subjective theories; child-rearing; psychologist; parenting; Chile; Costa Rica.

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