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Revista ABRA

On-line version ISSN 2215-2997Print version ISSN 1409-3928


CHAVERRI CHAVES, Pablo  and  ARGUEDAS RAMIREZ, Ana. Evidence Based Public Policies: A review of the concept and its characteristics. Rev. ABRA [online]. 2020, vol.40, n.60, pp.40-67. ISSN 2215-2997.

This article presents a review of the Evidence Based Public Policies (PPBE in Spanish) approach, addressing its concept as well as some of its main characteristics; for that purpose, it begins by offering an introduction that puts them in context, after which it properly enters to try to define the concept of PPBE. Consequently, it focuses on the concept of evidence to clarify its nature, types, ways of obtaining, uses, as well as its adoption in decision making. Subsequently, it focuses on the evaluation of public policies, to continue with an identification of advantages and disadvantages of the PPBE and close with some reflexive conclusions about this model.

Keywords : Evidence Based Public Policies; Public Policy Evaluation; Decision Making; Research..

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