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Revista Educación

On-line version ISSN 2215-2644Print version ISSN 0379-7082


BONILLA TRANA, Mariel  and  DIAZ LARENAS, Claudio. Metacognition in Second Language Learning: Strategies, Instruments and Assessment. Educación [online]. 2018, vol.42, n.2, pp.629-644. ISSN 2215-2644.

Learning a second language, as in the case of English, has become a number one necessity in the current world. The complexity of learning a second language is due to the large number of variables converging in the process, and that inhibit or foster learning. Metacognition and metacognitive strategies constitute relevant mechanisms for learning a second language. This paper, on the one side, discusses the concept of metacognition from the existing models and strategies and, on the other, from the instruments and training tools that are employed to monitor the participants’ cognitive processes.

Keywords : metacognition; metacognitive strategies; metacognitive training; second language.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )