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On-line version ISSN 2215-2636Print version ISSN 0378-0473


PASTORINO, Magalí  and  BETTONI, Soledad. Conceptualist Strategies in Visual Arts from a Symbolic Hermeneutic Approach. Káñina [online]. 2023, vol.47, n.2, pp.47-59. ISSN 2215-2636.

After the traumatic effects of the civic-military dictatorship in Uruguay (1973-1985), some artists used conceptualist strategies in their work to review the past and offer new readings in formal and conceptual terms. For its approach, and in order to guide research in visual arts, we form a hermeneutic and symbolic approach that allows -in a comprehensive dialogue- to deepen and update the meanings that could not be thought or said in that visual production. On this occasion, we present the theoretical references used to elaborate this approach, we define the conceptualist strategies and the expanded concept of art that it involves, and we propose some methodological guidelines that we apply in an intervention by the Uruguayan artist Mario D'Angelo.

Keywords : hermeneutics; dialogical otherness; conceptualist strategies; extended concept of art; poiesis.

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