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BOLANOS-ALFARO, John Diego. Integral Manager of the Water Resource, a necessary expert before the socio-natural vulnerability. InterSedes [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.38, pp.115-144. ISSN 2215-2458.

From the Recinto de Grecia of Sede Occidente of the University of Costas Rica, the country will be offered a new career of its own, whose purpose is the graduation of professionals with a Baccalaureate in Integral Management of Water Resources, whose fundamental work is the promotion and pursuit of actions directed towards the preservation of water resources, mitigation of pollution and sustainability in relation to the supply of quality water. Professionals who know the real and natural fundamental principles coming from the natural and social sciences tending to the resolution of problems and tasks of the hydrological cycle, considering in the same the implications that the anthropic actions and natural, in order to realize a management Integral and timely use of water resources.

Incursion as a professional in the national market applying new management practices, environmental education, community participation, water sanitation, watershed management, with the ability to recognize water resources as a public domain good; denotes its responsibility with sanitation as a fundamental human right. In Costa Rica, the water resource governance crisis is clear and evident; the vulnerability and scarcity of water has been evidenced in several communities in the country, it is expected with this professional to improve the protection, use, protection and sustainable use of water resources, using the perspective of watershed management As a basic unit of planning and management of water resources. Finally denotes how the constructive process of the new career clearly serves a country need, having as main employer the bodies in charge of water administration at public or private level.

Keywords : Water resource - Integral Management - Academic option.

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