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Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe

On-line version ISSN 1659-4940Print version ISSN 1659-0139


LARA, Antonia; QUEZADA, Javiera; JIMENEZ AGUAYO, Francisco  and  CABRERA CORREA, Jorge. Subjective Malaise and Psychosocial Problems: Latin American and Caribbean Migrant Women in Santiago de Chile. Inter.c.a.mbio [online]. 2021, vol.18, n.2, pp.142-171. ISSN 1659-4940.

This article aims to present the research results about the subjective malaise that afflict Latin American and Caribbean migrant women in Santiago de Chile, expressed by them in mental health promotion workshops. Through the Systematization of Experience of teams implementing workshops (belonging to two Universities), the registration of the participation of women in the workshops (carried out between 2016 and 2019) and semi-structured interviews with five of them, it is analyzed the subjective impact that the psychosocial problems faced in Chile have had on women. Four problem areas were identified in which the discomforts expressed by them are inscribed, such as the feeling of deception and frustration, feelings of impairment and fragility, as well as feelings of loneliness and shame. The conclusions that we present here seek to contribute to the field of studies on female migration in the Latin American region, specifically to the problems of mental health.

Keywords : Migration; Latin America; mental health; women’s studies; participatory research.

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