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E-Ciencias de la Información

On-line version ISSN 1659-4142


MADRUGA RIOS, Oraily; GUTIERREZ PEREZ, Miguel Ángel  and  ROMERO SUAREZ, Pedro Lázaro. Contents assessment of information and knowledge managers at the Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technologies-University of Havana. E-Ciencias de la Información [online]. 2022, vol.12, n.1, pp.1-21. ISSN 1659-4142.

The papers goal is to assess the already implemented information and knowledge managers at InSTEC. This allows improving the managers future work, and serves as a preliminary study for including others in the future. Documentary analysis and heuristics evaluation methods are the theoretical basis; meanwhile, automatic tools Nibbler, GooglePageRank, SEOptimer, Website Grader, interviews and polls to users evidenced the actual development of both sites. The studys outcomes revealed the quality of InSTECs external website and its intranet achieved 69,4 % of general competency. These sites indicators must be enhanced to provide a better service to users in the information and knowledge management so needed in universities.

Keywords : heuristics evaluation; external site; intranet; InSTEC.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )