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Revista Reflexiones

On-line version ISSN 1659-2859Print version ISSN 1021-1209


GIRALDO ZULUAGA, Gloria Amparo. The Family for the Young of Caldas, Colombia. Reflexiones [online]. 2014, vol.93, n.1, pp.103-111. ISSN 1659-2859.

This article summarizes the results of a larger scale research entitled "Characterization of Human Development Youth in Caldas (Colombia)" conducted by researchers of the Centre for Youth of Caldas (Colombia), which is an interagency partnership between the University of Manizales, the University, Cinde (Center studies in children and youth) and the youth Office of the Governor of Caldas. The purpose of the research was to find out details about the family situation, social, political and cultural living at present / youth in Caldas and guide in the formulation of plans and policies in this regard. In our article focused considerations and reflections on the results found in the area of family and society. In this sense, we sought to identify the emerging new family, not only to recognize how they have transformed the intrafamiliar roles but also to analyze the role of the family in contemporary society and the role of institutions and regarding the social dynamics. It was also to unravel the perceptions and senses that / girls give it to the family, as the linchpin in the lives of people. It also was intended to provide elements for a better understanding of contemporary family dynamics from a generational perspective.

Keywords : family; youth; relationships; perceptions; social; youth culture; human development.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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