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Odontología Vital
On-line version ISSN 1659-0775Print version ISSN 1659-0775
MAYNARD SANCHEZ, María Fernanda et al. Second root canal prevalence in lower anterior teeth using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Odontología Vital [online]. 2023, n.38, pp.45-58. ISSN 1659-0775.
The prevalence of a second root canal in mandibular anterior teeth using Cone Beam Computed Tomography.
It is a common misconception that the mandibular anterior teeth usually have a single root canal with a single root. However, a study by Vertucci et. al., (1974), showed a high prevalence (13%) of two root canals in the lower anterior teeth, which stimulated further investigations.
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of the second root canal in the mandibular anterior teeth in a Nicaraguan population, these were detected by means of computed tomography (Cone Beam).
Materials and methods:
In the study, 293 teeth were analyzed, from canine to canine of the mandibular teeth. To perform the analysis, the free software Radiant DICOM Viewer 2021.2.2 was used, sagittal, axial and coronal views were made to see the prevalence of the second root canal.
Of the 293 teeth analyzed, it was found that 259 had a single root canal corresponding to 88.4%, and 34 teeth had two root canals corresponding to 11.6%. According to the tomographic analysis, it was found that the presence of the second root canal was observed only in the axial and sagittal views.
Regarding the presence of the second canal according to the third of the root canal, it was identified that the majority presented in the middle third (52.94%), followed by coronal (29.41%) and finally the apical third (17.65%).
According to the Vertucci classification, it was found that there is a higher percentage of type I with 88.40%, followed by type III with 4.44%, then type V with 3.41%, and type II with 2.39%.
The one with the lowest percentage was type VI with 1.37%, while in the pieces analyzed, types IV, VII and VIII were not found.
Based on the results obtained in this study, the prevalence of a second root canal in lower anterior teeth was 11.6%.
Keywords : Conducto radicular; incisivos mandibulares; endodoncia; TAC de haz cónico; clasificación de Vertucci; Root canal; mandibular incisor; endodontics; cone beam CT; Vertucci classification.