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Actualidades Investigativas en Educación

On-line version ISSN 1409-4703Print version ISSN 1409-4703


COTO JIMENEZ, Marvin. Considerations for introducing artificial intelligence in an electrical engineering undergraduate program. Rev. Actual. Investig. Educ [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.2, pp.529-555. ISSN 1409-4703.

With the rapid proliferation of techniques and applications, artificial intelligence has acquired great relevance in our society, including new ways of solving problems related to energy, signal, and information systems, which are studied in a career such as Electric Engineering. Given the relevance of the topic, some authors have pointed out the importance of spreading the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence beyond specialized laboratories and graduate programs where usually have been developed. This essay aims to contribute to the discussion about the convenient and appropriate way of introducing the teaching of artificial intelligence at undergraduate levels in engineering careers, especially in an electrical engineering study program at the University of Costa Rica, which encourages general training. The proposal must take into account the bases that the students have, as well as the contents and convenient strategies to achieve a suitable introduction in their academic training and the benefit of the profession. In the essay, these considerations are presented and discussed in light of the conceptualization of artificial intelligence and its applicability in engineering today.

Keywords : higher education; artificial intelligence; electrican engineering; technology.

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