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Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica
On-line version ISSN 1409-4568Print version ISSN 1409-4568
QUESADA MORA, Ana Gisella; RAMIREZ CAMPOS, Seidy and BRENES CAMPOS, Geovanna. Use of amikacin as prophylaxis in patients undergoing prostatectomy. Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica [online]. 2018, n.35, pp.185-200. ISSN 1409-4568.
The aim of this article is to present the best available scientific evidence on the use of amikacin as prophylaxis in patients undergoing prostatectomy. The indication of amikacin in prostatectomy-type surgeries refers to prophylactic use, which is why the concern about the benefit of administering the drug in these patients arises, taking into account that, among the adverse effects, nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity are evidenced mainly in people older adults or with previous kidney problems. We used the evidence-based clinical practice methodology (PCBE), based on a clinical question to later perform the electronic searches in databases such as: MEDLINE, Google academic and Cochrane Library Plus. After establishing the inclusion and exclusion criteria and critical analysis, four documents were selected that relate to the answer to the question posed. The results for the critical analysis were thoroughly reviewed through the FCL 2.0 computer platform with the corresponding templates. The evidence indicates that no study directly responded to the clinical question posed, the investigations analyzed do not demonstrate evidence confirming that the prophylactic use of amikacin is beneficial in patients undergoing surgery. It was concluded that no significant evidence was found to support the prophylactic use of amikacin to reduce infections. Prophylaxis focuses on administering patients with urological surgical procedures as first choice a lower spectrum antibiotic, since to administer amikacin it is necessary to comply with established institutional guidelines according to the condition of each user, taking into account the results of the tests of renal function pre and post administration.
Keywords : amikacin; prophylaxis; prostatectomy.