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Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica
On-line version ISSN 1409-4568Print version ISSN 1409-4568
SOUZA JUNIOR, Edison Vitório de et al. Impact of factors associated with depressive symptoms on elderly health with hemodialysis. Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica [online]. 2018, n.35, pp.159-172. ISSN 1409-4568.
The objective of this study is to know the impact of factors associated with depressive symptoms on elderly health with hemodialysis. It is an integrative review held in June 2017 with articles selected by Virtual Health Library. It has been used two combinations of descriptors. The first was Association; Depression; Elderly and Renal dialysis. Next, It has used the second combination: Depression; Renal dialysis and Elderly, making use of the interrelation of Boolean operator and. Inclusion criteria were articles published in Portuguese and English between 2007 and 2017, articles freely available and electronically, be limited until elderly, have major depressive disorder and depression as main subjects, in addition to have relevant content to respond the objective of this study. After using of criteria, nine articles were selected, being eight (88,9%) indexed in MEDLINE and one (11,1%) in LILACS. Four factors were found: anorexia, restless legs syndrome, uremic pruritus and unemployment. The depressive symptoms are the most frequent comorbidities among elderly on hemodialysis. Furthermore, it can be associated with higher risks of dialytic and cardiovascular complications, the increased morbidity and mortality, non-adherence to therapeutic and decreased quality of life, making the incidence of suicide ten times higher than general population. It is concludes that there is continued need for greater vigilance of the professional team to be particularly attentive the psychiatric expressions with the main purpose of to make earlier diagnosis and to prevent higher impacts.
Keywords : Health-of-the-elderly; Mental-health; Renal-dialysis; Risk-factors.