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Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica
On-line version ISSN 1409-4568Print version ISSN 1409-4568
MAIA, Vanessa Freires et al. The capacity of offering and execution of primary healthcare services to people with tuberculosis. Enfermería Actual de Costa Rica [online]. 2018, n.35, pp.52-62. ISSN 1409-4568.
The objective of this study was to identify the capacity to offer and execute Primary Healthcare services to people with tuberculosis in a municipality in the Brazilian Northeast. It is a quantitative cross-sectional study of 100 primary health care professionals from the city of Natal/RN. A validated questionnaire was used to assess tuberculosis care. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was obtained that the interests of the management of the unit to promote changes in the attention to the disease, the goals agreed and registered by the health unit and the records related to the support of the professionals of the health unit were classified with limited capacity. The accomplishment of the teamwork and the prioritization of the improvement of the assistance by the management of the unit were classified with basic capacity. It is concluded that the training of professionals for the control of tuberculosis in Primary Health Care has an unfavorable capacity.
Keywords : Assistance-healthcare; Primary-healthcare; Quality-of-the-healthcare; Tuberculosis.