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Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública
Print version ISSN 1409-1429
CHAVES COREA, Abner; ZAMORA CORRALES, Irina; VEGA CARMONA, Daniel and BRENES MENDIETA, Priscilla. The impact of a nutritional training on specialized nutrition for the foodservice staff of the Ministerio de Justicia y Paz. Rev. costarric. salud pública [online]. 2016, vol.25, n.1, pp.33-46. ISSN 1409-1429.
Improve the knowledge of foodservice staff on the importance of healthy eating in different health situations that most affects people in custody of Penitentiary Centers from the Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica.
Quasi-experimental study was developed in eight penitentiary centers from the Metropolitan Area. A semi-structured survey was created to collect data pre and post training with the aim of measuring impact. McNemar Test was used to evaluate significant differences. Data obtained in the pre training stage was used to develop topics included in the training.
Sample consisted of 42 members of kitchen staff. Four main topics were addressed (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, pap feeding, and soft feeding), were the biggest gap in knowledge was found during pre-training stage. For the sessions, educational materials (leaflets, manuals and flipcharts) were created, according to the needs and preferences of the sample. After the training sessions, a significant increase in knowledge about specialized feeding by the foodservice staff was observed.
The development of this study provides evidence about a gap in knowledge about heathy eating in different health situations by the kitchen staff from 8 penitentiary centers. This study acknowledges the importance of training as an effective way to improve knowledge in nutritional topics.
Keywords : Food and Nutrition Education; Training; Knowledge; Feeding.