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Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública

Print version ISSN 1409-1429


VELIZ ROJAS, Lizet Helena  and  BIANCHETTI SAAVEDRA, Andrés Felipe. Climate Change and Public Health: Actions from Institutions in the Current Social-Culture Scene. Rev. costarric. salud pública [online]. 2013, vol.22, n.2, pp.163-168. ISSN 1409-1429.

Objective: To analyze the link between climate change and people’s health, reflecting on the challenges it poses for both primary care in public health as well as for health professionals. Method: The essay is divided in three stages: The first briefly describes environmental epistemology as an object of study. The second refers to the influence of economic growth and development on environmental change, reflecting on the population’s vulnerability to climate change. The effects and consequences of climate change on the health of people are analyzed. Finally, suggested actions towards conditions of environmental health proposed for public health are exposed. Conclusion: People`s empowerment by health professionals is significant when building social capital for the development of health and environmental public policies and programs.

Keywords : Climate Change; environment; Social Participation; health; Public Health.

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