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vol.17 issue2El Síndrome de "Burn Out" o Síndrome de Agotamiento ProfesionalLas mujeres centroamericanas y la psiquiatría author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Medicina Legal de Costa Rica

On-line version ISSN 2215-5287Print version ISSN 1409-0015


UGALDE LOBO, Juan Gerado  and  NAVARRO VILLALOBOS, Pablo. El daño corporal: reflexiones médico legales sobre la reparación del daño corporal. Med. leg. Costa Rica [online]. 2001, vol.17, n.2, pp.15-21. ISSN 2215-5287.

About 10% of the Costa rican population suffers from some kind of handicap, product of the risk that work it self produces. Since 1865, legislatures include the reparation of physical damage produced by work. In 1982, the law of laboral risk is established. This law is inspired in the widely used baremes. This article exposes the aplication of baremes in the evaluation of physical damage in different Costa Rican veredicts.

Keywords : Handicap; physical damage; risks of work; work security; bareme.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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