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Revista Tecnología en Marcha
On-line version ISSN 0379-3982Print version ISSN 0379-3982
ACUNA-SEGURA, Ricardo and BRENES-MADRIZ, Jaime. Evaluation in house mesh of the effect of four biological products for the combat of jobotos (Phyllophaga sp.). Tecnología en Marcha [online]. 2020, vol.33, n.4, pp.140-154. ISSN 0379-3982.
The experiment was developed at home mesh in order to evaluate the effect and dose of four biological products and one chemical used in the control of larvae of jobotos (Phyllophaga sp.). The experiment was carried out in Guadalupe, Cartago, located at the following geographic coordinates: latitude 9,861 884 and longitude -83,939 692, at 1400 m.a.s.l. The type of research was quantitative, with a design of the complete block experiment at random, and use of two doses of five treatments and three repetitions of each treatment, and each repetition with ten experimental units. The biological products used were Mycotrol® 11 EW (Beauveria bassiana, strain GHA), Botani Gard® 50 WP (Beauveria bassiana, strain GHA), Agro Gold® (nine strains of Bacillus spp.), B-Green® (entomonematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora), and a commercial chemical recommended for control of jobotos. For the biological control of Phyllophaga sp., it was determined that Mycotrol® 11EW, in a dose of 2,25 cc / liter of water, was the product that provided the best results. For the other two products that had an effect on the combat of Phyllophaga sp., Agro Gold® and B-Green®, it was determined that the dose used in both cases was not significant; this was confirmed by the p values of 0,113 and 0,807, respectively. What did have significance was to make two applications one week apart from each other with these two products. For the remaining products, T2 and T5, there was no statistical significance in their result. This was confirmed by the p value for T2 and T5, respectively,. For T2 it was 0,573 for the dose factor and 0,094 for the application factor. For T5 the value of p for the dose factor was 0,260 and for the application factor, 0,277.
Keywords : Biological control; Beauveria sp.; Bacillus spp.; entomonematode; Phyllophaga sp.