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Revista Geológica de América Central

On-line version ISSN 0256-7024Print version ISSN 0256-7024


AGUILAR, Teresita; DENYER, Percy  and  ARREDONDO, Sandra. Middle Holocene tempestite from San José island, Área de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Rev. Geol. Amér. Central [online]. 2020, n.62, pp.48-64. ISSN 0256-7024.

Shell beds on coastal zones are common and can be generated by phenomena such as storms (hurricanes), tsunamis or anthropic activity. The shell, sandstone and clasts were deposited at the San José Island, and they are interpreted as originated by storms occurring 4360+/-30 BP (before present). This age corresponds with the last part of the Northgrippian (Middle Holocene). They constitute tempestite deposits, where Pinctada mazatlánica is the dominant species (75%), with disarticulated valves and broken borders, and which are closely packed, predominantly concave-up. There are also completed and fragmented shells of other bivalves genera such as Megapitaria sp., Cardita sp., Trachycardium sp., Anadara sp. and Spondylus sp.; as well as reworked gastropod fragments (parts of the columella and the spiral), encrusted and perforated by bryozoans, sponges, polichaetes, serpulids, and some barnacles, which constituted secondary hard substrates. Among them Mallea sp., Conus sp., Strombus sp., Strombus gracilior, Strombus granulatus, Siphonaria sp. Fissurella sp., Murex sp. with all of great sizes (between 10 and 20 cm). These deposits can be correlated with climatic events in the Northern hemisphere, which produced an increase in storm activity and aridity in tropical regions as well as changes in global atmospheric circulation. From a hydrodynamic point of view, this deposit corresponds to several tempestite events, with maximum height-waves of 7.6 m that corresponds to category 5 cyclonic storm.

Keywords : Shell beds; Storms; Holocene; Hydrodynamic; Paleoclimate; Coastal areas.

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