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 issue59Reappraisal of the holotype of “testudo” costarricensis, a tortoise supposedly from the oligocene or lower miocene of Costa RicaShallow-water shell deposits affected by storms in the central pacific of Costa Rica, Punta Carballo formation, Miocene author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Geológica de América Central

On-line version ISSN 0256-7024Print version ISSN 0256-7024


FLORES, Héctor; LAURITO, César A.; VALERIO, Ana L.  and  VILLEGAS, Adrián. First fossil record of atherinella sp. (pisces, teleostei, atherinopsidae) from the lower pliocene of Costa Rica, Central America. Rev. Geol. Amér. Central [online]. 2018, n.59, pp.48-56. ISSN 0256-7024.

A fossil specimen of Atherinella collected from Lower Pliocene tuffites deposits of the Bagaces Formation outcropping near of Las Juntas city, in Guanacaste province, is described. This found suggests a brackish estuarine environment which is in concordance with the previous observations based on the fossil record of marine invertebrates from other locations of this formation. This new record fossil is important to understand the recent biogeographic distribution of genus, which it probably was due to tectonic events.

Keywords : Atherinella; Atherinopsidae; Pliocene; Bagaces Formation; Costa Rica.

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