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Revista Costarricense de Ciencias Médicas

Print version ISSN 0253-2948


FERNANDEZ-OLAECHEA, María D  and  ROSELLO-ARAYA, Marlene. Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en dos grupos de mujeres con cardiopatía coronaria y sin ella. Rev. costarric. cienc. méd [online]. 1997, vol.18, n.2, pp.29-35. ISSN 0253-2948.

The modifable cardiovascular risk factors were analized: age and family coronary disease history; and not modifable: smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity and lipid profiles, including lipoprotein (a). Two groups of women were studied with 14 members each. The first group was composed of women were studied with 14 members each. The first group was composed of patients with a mean age of 55 years ± 11 that had coronary disease; the second group was composed of non coronary disease women, mean age 49 years old ± 9. Most of them were house wives. Postmenopausal members were almost the same in both groups, without estrogen-replacement therapy. The first group shows hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. It also shows hypertrigliceridaemia (p< 0,05) and the relationship between total colesterol/HDL colesterol was higher than the second group. There was no significance between, LDL, HDL and lipoprotein (a) levels.

Keywords : factores de riesgo cardiovascular; dislipidemias; lipoproteína.

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